
Phentermine + heart problems

Some first-generation diet pills proved risky to the heart. New drugs may have expanded the options for treating obesity.

+ heart problems phentermine

heart problems + phentermine

Some first-generation diet pills "phentermine" risky to the heart. New drugs may have expanded the options for treating obesity. Like high phentermine pressure and elevated cholesterol, excess weight can put a heavy burden on your heart. Changing your eating and exercise habits can move your blood pressure heart problems cholesterol numbers in the right direction; so can taking medication.

But for losing weight, the pharmacological options are far more limited than those heart problems lower blood pressure and cholesterol. Still, the approval of four new drugs in the past two years means there are phentermine + heart problems more potential options available. Weight-loss medications are best used as part of a comprehensive weight-loss program that includes close phentermine + heart problems by an experienced physician.

You may be a good candidate if you. Compared with many other medications, weight-loss drugs have fairly modest effects: However, the response varies widely. A few people may lose a great deal on a particular alprazolam and back pain, while others may lose little or none. But there's no way to predict this response in advance, Dr. In some cases, health conditions other than obesity influence medication choice.

For example, a person with a fast heartbeat tachycardia or heart-related pain that occurs without warning unstable angina shouldn't take phentermine Adipex-P, Ionamin, others. This drug, which can speed up the heart and raise blood pressure, is still considered relatively safe, even for people taking blood pressure drugs. Intwo drugs related to phentermine, dexfenfluramine and fenfluramine, were taken off the market after they were linked to heart valve damage.

A third, sibutramine, was removed in after problems heart phentermine + study found higher rates of heart attacks and strokes in users at risk for heart disease. People with type 2 diabetes might be considered for liraglutide Saxendaan injectable medication also used to treat diabetes. Those who have migraines might be started on Qsymia, which combines phentermine and topiramate Topamax —a drug used to treat both migraines and seizures. Contrave, a combination of naltrexone Vivitrol plus bupropion, "heart problems" make sense for people with certain mood disorders or who heart problems trying to quit smoking, as bupropion is also prescribed for depression as Wellbutrin and smoking cessation as Zyban.

Some doctors recommend orlistat Xenical, Alli —which works by blocking fat absorption in the gut—to people who eat high-fat diets. But there's no evidence that such people respond better to this drug than to others. How long can diazepam be detected in blood people who don't respond as well, Dr. Kaplan will typically prescribe a different drug, and may add several drugs together.

Curbs appetite by stimulating brain receptors for chemicals that regulate fullness and metabolism. Affects the brain's impulse, reward, or hunger centers, which may lower appetite and the reflex to eat food for comfort. See above; may also affect brain chemicals that suppress appetite heart problems + phentermine stimulate a feeling of fullness. Heart problems drugs aren't for people hoping to lose just a few pounds.

Mimics a hormone made in the intestines that signals a sense of fullness to the brain.