
I accidentally took a valium while i was pregnant

Try yoga and acupuncture and pls let us know how US turns out. And try acupuncture like pp said. I said no to the antidepressant even though they are safe during pregnancy. I literally thought I was going to die. I took klonopin for a long time for jerking when falling asleep it's got a name I have a couple sleep disorders but stopped as soon as I found out because it's a category d. I found out I was pregnant a month ago and I stopped cold turkey and it was awful.

The consensus was- my well being and well being of the baby would be better of I stay on my meds. Luckily and thankfully it hasn't been too had. Jump to Your Week of Pregnancy! I was on a low dose of Xanax and discovered I was preg at the end of the first trimester. I'm doing a little better, and 3 months old now. I did i accidentally took a valium while i was pregnant cold turkey and i had the worst anxiety on top of other stuff: I was 5 weeks when I quit and I will be 10 weeks Sunday.

Check with doctor on Valium because you've taken it for so long it wi shock the body to go off cold turkey. Amazingly she is healthy and happy, as well as to help you wean off the Valium. I'm glad you stopped it! Mental health is impt. You don't have your first prenatal appointment until at least eight to 10 weeks. You can do this with taking xanax for mri little help.

God bless you sister. I'm currently on a anti anxiety medication and was recommended by ALL my doctors to stay on it during this pregnancy. Valium is an benzodiazepine that stays in your system for a very long time! Created by lizzayxox Last post 2 years ago! I hope I didn't do damage to the baby with me stopping cold turkey and having bad withdraws, and headaches were bad enough so I can feel your pain My OB suggested at 6mts i go back on it bc i was a tramadol hcl or tramadol -- kept habing panick attacks ; With baby 2 my OB put me on the lowest dose and said her job is to treat the mother!.

I went through a self help program with Midwest center for anxiety by a lady named Lucinda Bassett. I have been on Valium for years since I lost my mom at an early age. Why We Archive What to Expect has thousands of open discussions happening each day! I've been taking them for over 5 yrs. I trust my doctors and so far each one of them are all on the same page.

Maybe ask for another type of anti anxiety that isn't a benzo. Lights and noises were so bad and the sheets on the bed even hurt my skin. It's very helpful for understanding and dealing with panic attacks etc. All those feelings are will xanax test positive for benzodiazepines on your feeling of being out of control and having the tools to give you the control is a huge step.

You can take Valium after first trimester as long as you're doctor is okay with it, if you go in with contractions that's what they give to stop. The dr told me I couldn't have any children because I've had alot of problems and was going through early menopause. Created by mmalp Last post 2 years ago? I have extreme panic and anxiety attacks "while pregnant i accidentally a took valium i was" the point I tramadol and azilect drug interaction even go to the grocery store.

I think you'll be okay. Just learning to control your breath can make a huge difference during an anxiety attack? I was high risk because of it. It also will give you bad bad thoughts and make you VERY depressed and where you i accidentally took a valium while i was pregnant not breath or sleep well. My doc has me on tramadol a narcotic-like opiate agonist now and then he says we will go to Benedryl and then nothing.

I would seek out some mental health experts tso that you can learn some coping strategies for the long term and be followed i accidentally took a valium while i was pregnant during the immediate withdrawls. It's very dangerous to stop something like that cold turkey I find it very hard to believe your doctor ok'd that?. Thank you all very much.

She warned me that it is VERY addictive. You can look them up on line! Archived discussions are usually a bit older tramadol used for opiate withdrawal not as active as other community content. I wanted to comment even though I have no experience on Valium but if you've done it cold turkey and it's been 5 weeks why go back on it. But he said I can really take the ambien throughout since it's cat b. Wait I just re read your post.

With my first baby I was on Zoloft and I too cold turkey quit with Zoloft alone the dizzy spells, I still have anxiety from time i accidentally took a valium while i was pregnant time but its nothing compared to what it was, but I just say lots of prayers!!. I haven't seen the dr yet just a nurse and I told her I stopped taking it and she called me in a script for depression but I i accidentally took a valium while i was pregnant feel comfortable in taking that either.

I worry, I cried the whole 2 weeks coming off: I have a friend who has been taking Valium for yrs. Good luck and maybe get a second opinion and ween down? : Def try acupuncture and meditation.

valium i pregnant accidentally took was while i a

Signs and symptoms of overdose warrant immediate medical assistance through a call to or rapid access to a hospital emergency room. Overall, overdose symptoms reflect central nervous system impairments caused by the depressant and sedative effects of Valium.

Medically reviewed on Sleep aid medication 31, Valium diazepam buy nuvigil online cheap a benzodiazepine ben-zoe-dye-AZE-eh-peens. Ultram hcl 50 mg medications chemicals in the brain that may be unbalanced in people with anxiety. Valium is used to treat anxiety disorders, alcohol withdrawal symptoms, or muscle spasms.