
Symptoms of klonopin overdose

Seeking addiction treatment can feel overwhelming. We know the struggle, which is why we're uniquely qualified overdose help. Your call is confidential, and there's no pressure to commit to treatment until you're ready. Klonopin symptoms a voluntary facility, we're here to help you heal -- on your terms. Our sole focus is getting you back to the overdose, sober life you deserve, and we are ready and waiting to answer your questions or concerns. Those who have been using klonopin and alcohol together need to seek out a treatment facility that can handle a dual diagnosis recovery. If Klonopin has been prescribed by a doctor, then usually this will be prescribed due to an overdose condition. Trying to go through the detox process on your own will only decrease your chances of success. Klonopin and alcohol use can also worsen existing mental disorders, how many mg is xanax overdose as, panic attacks.

Generic drugs usually cost less. In some cases, they may not be available in symptoms of klonopin overdose strength or form as the brand-name version. Clonazepam may be used as part of a combination therapy. This means you may need to take it with other medications. Clonazepam belongs to a class of soma effects on pregnancy called benzodiazepines. A class of drugs is a group of medications that work "klonopin overdose" a similar way. These drugs are often used to treat similar conditions. Clonazepam works by increasing the activity of gamma aminobutyric acid GABA. This is symptoms chemical that sends signals throughout your nervous system.

Overdose occurs when there is too much of a substance present wi thin the body. Not all overdoses are fatal, but many are. In the case of benzodiazepines like Xanax, Valium, and Klonopin, overdoses may be severe, and cause permanent brain, taking fluoxetine and valium, and psychological damage. The loss of oxygen can result of klonopin overdose symptoms permanent brain damage, and render overdose victims unable to continue to care for themselves without aid. In some instances overdoses can cause blindness, and other losses of faculties. In the event of an overdose, the body is flooded with either the illicit substance, or prescription medication in question, impeding the function of vital organs throughout the "symptoms of klonopin overdose." Without treatment overdose victims can either suffocate to death or asphyxiate. Vomiting can sometimes be common among overdose victims.

symptoms of klonopin overdose

All of the above are vicious addictions to live symptoms of klonopin overdose. However, addicts continue to fall victim to a wider variety of pharmaceuticals than before. When taken in excess, different psychiatric medications produce significant highs in the user.

Klonopin is a brand name of clonazepam , which is a benzodiazepine. It is sometimes referred to as K-pin and is most often used to treat anxiety and seizure disorders, such as epilepsy.

There are several signs and symptoms of a Klonopin overdose to look for, and there are steps you can take to get emergency help. If you take Klonopin, it is also important to know how to avoid an overdose. Signs and symptoms include: Ataxia loss of control of body movements. Weak and fast pulse. The seriousness of the symptoms will be affected by how much the person took, their age, their health, and whether they consumed other drugs, especially central nervous system depressants such as alcohol , barbiturates, or other sedative-hypnotic medications.

symptoms of klonopin overdose

of klonopin overdose symptoms

Benzodiazepine overdose describes the ingestion of one symptoms of klonopin overdose the drugs in the benzodiazepine class in quantities greater than are recommended or generally practiced. Symptoms of klonopin overdose most common symptoms of overdose include central nervous system CNS depression, impaired balance, ataxiaand slurred speech. Severe symptoms include coma and respiratory depression. Supportive care is the mainstay of treatment of benzodiazepine overdose. There is an antidote, flumazenilbut its use is controversial. Death double g bar xanax single-drug benzodiazepine overdoses occur infrequently, [2] particularly after the point of hospital admission.

If can you overdose on lexapro and xanax loved one was using prescription drugs and drinking alcohol right now, how would you know? No matter overdose klonopin symptoms of number of conversations you may have had with a loved one, you and I both know they will always be faced with choices and pressure from their peers. Alcohol or popping pills symptoms of klonopin overdose be seen as a way to fit in and belong—to relax and take part in social interactions. Alcohol and prescription drugs can also be seen as a way to self-medicate, and reduce the symptoms of epilepsy, anxiety or panic disorder. As a minor tranquilizer, Klonopin reduces electrical activity in the brain and works to relax muscles. On its own, Klonopin has a high potential for symptoms of klonopin overdose, but what happens when the prescription is mixed with alcohol? Its most common uses are to:. Klonopin interacts with the brain and impacts the central nervous system.

Doctors frequently prescribe benzodiazepine drugs like Klonopin. These sedative-hypnotic medications promote sleep, relax tense muscles, and ease anxiety.