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Generic Name: Niravam, Xanax, Xanax XR. Medically reviewed on Sep 11, Xanax alprazolam is a benzodiazepine ben-zoe-dye-AZE-eh-peen. Alprazolam affects chemicals in the brain that may be unbalanced in people with anxiety. Xanax is used to treat anxiety disorders , panic disorders , and anxiety caused by depression. You should not use Xanax if you have narrow-angle glaucoma , if you also take itraconazole or ketoconazole, or if you are allergic to Xanax or similar medicines Valium, Ativan, Tranxene, and others. Do not use Xanax if you are pregnant. This medicine can cause birth defects or life-threatening withdrawal symptoms in a newborn. Alprazolam may be habit-forming.

Alprazolam , sold as the trade name Xanax among others, is a short-acting benzodiazepine. Common side effects include sleepiness, depression, headaches, feeling tired, dry mouth, and memory problems.

Xanax is helpful medication that is used to treat panic disorders and anxiety. The dosage and frequency intake varies in accordance to individual needs. When used in conjunction with therapy, it is known as one of the most effective ways of treating the said conditions. In order to enjoy the benefits associated with this medication, the first step is to learn how to buy Xanax. For starters, it is important to note that you can buy xanax without prescription from online stores or drug stores. However, this is only possible if you have instructions from your physician to use it. There are a couple of things that need to be taken into consideration before you buy Xanax online though and by understanding the same, you increase your chances of becoming an informed buyer.

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