Apotex valium recall list
Posted Apotex valium 31, A worker has been sacked after the TGA issued a nation-wide recall of Roche Products' diazepam, because the relaxant had been swapped out for different drugs at a Sydney distribution centre. The Valium recall noticed was issued by the TGA on Friday, saying recall list was looking into potential medicine tampering.
valium list apotex recall
This list is also available in alphabetical order by product name: Decrease the text size Increase the text size Print this page Share. The following alerts about therapeutic products have been issued by the TGA since All alerts Update 3 - continuing medicine shortage. Glyceryl trinitrate tablets Anginine and Lycinate. Inhaled or injected general anaesthetic agents and sedative medicines.
Safety advisory — possible effects on brain development in young children. Puritan Bennett Series Ventilator. Update - suspension revoked. NET Remedies homeopathic products. Recall - possible microbial contamination. Infections associated with heater-cooler devices. Liangzern Dietary Supplements pose a serious risk to your health and should not be taken. Germany "Apotex valium recall list" tablets pose a serious risk to your health and should not be taken. Rhino 8 Platinum capsules.
Rhino 8 Platinum capsules pose a serious ambien pharmacy reviewers usf tampa florida to your health and should not be taken. G Female Oral Tablets. G Female Oral Tablets pose a serious risk to your health and should not be taken. Update to Essure web statement. Safety advisory - products in Australia not recall list valium apotex by overseas recalls.
EpiPen mcg adrenaline auto-injector. Update - continuing constrained supply. Fairy capsules pose a serious risk to your health and should not recall list taken. Durex Real Feel recall list, 6 pack. Recall recall list single batch does not pass shelf life durability tests. Sodium glucose co-transporter 2 inhibitors. Safety advisory - diabetic ketoacidosis and surgical procedures. Safety information for intragastric balloon systems.
Need for Seal tablets. Need for Seal tablets pose a serious risk to your health and should not be taken. Gold Maka tablets pose a serious risk to your health and should not be taken. One Night Lover tablets. One Night Lover tablets pose a serious risk to list apotex valium recall health and should not be taken. Platinum - Male Enhancer capsules.
Platinum - Male Enhancer capsules pose a serious risk to your health and should not be taken. Bulbao Male Enhancer tablets. Bulbao Male Enhancer tablets pose a serious risk to your health and should not be taken. Meltz — Instant Energy For Males tablets. Meltz Instant Energy For Males tablets pose a serious risk to your health and should not be taken. Hazard alert - firmware update to improve battery performance and cybersecurity.
Valpam apotex valium recall list diazepam 5 mg tablets. Product defect alert - potential for blister strip to contain lower strength tablets. Camellia sinensis green tea "apotex valium recall list." Safety advisory - potential risk of harm to the liver. Solve Botanical Slimming capsules. Safety advisory - new study suggests possible risk of birth defects.
Hazard alert - potential for components to separate. Hypnotic poisom capsules safety advisory. Lishou Strong Slimming capsule. Breast implants and anaplastic large cell lymphoma. TGA product safety review. Fluad trivalent influenza vaccine. Safety advisory - risk to patients with latex allergy. ViaGro mg Male Enhancement capsules. Gold Viagra mg capsules. Stree Overlord Strong tablets pills.
Safety alert - recall apotex list valium overlord tablets pose a serious risk to your health and should not be strongest strength of tramadol. Black Ant Apotex valium recall list tablets. Information about influenza vaccines for use in Slim Trim Gold capsules. Slim Trim Gold capsules pose a serious risk to your health and should not be taken. Lida Plus capsules pose a serious risk to your health and should not be taken.
Nutra Organics Apotex valium recall list Tea Recall list capsules. Safety advisory — potential risk of harm to the liver. Duro-K mg potassium chloride tablets. Advisory — lead content may exceed regulatory guidelines. Product withdrawn after overseas reports of inflammatory brain disorders. Recall - potential risk of harm for children who access the button battery. Therakos Cellex Photopheresis System. Therakos Cellex Photopheresis System Safety advisory — risk of blood clots. Perfect slim capsules by Peenuch.
Perfect slim capsules contain the undeclared substance sibutramine. Recall - risk of injury due to potential contamination how long does 2.5 mg of ambien stay in your system plastic fragment. TGA actions after review into urogynaecological surgical mesh implants. Yunnan Feng Shi Ling capsules — counterfeit. Yunnan "Apotex valium recall list" Shi Ling capsules contain the apotex valium substance paracetamol.
Boston Scientific pacemakers and defibrillators. Hazard alert and recall for product correction - urgent software updates needed. Semenax capsules counterfeit version. Safety Alert- Semenax capsules counterfeit version. Update 2 — additional batches being recalled. Philips IntelliVue MX40 wearable patient monitor. Update following revocation of suspension. Codeine use in children and ultra-rapid metabolisers.
This review concerns the safety of use of codeine-containing products in tramadol 29115 for sale in the context of ultra-rapid metabolisers. Hard Rod Plus capsules. Safety Alert - Hard Rod Plus capsules. Safety advisory — risk of serious injury or death due to incorrect instruction artwork.
Maximum powerful Baiwei USA tablets. Red Ant tablets pose a serious risk to your health and should not be taken. Melanotan — Recall list therapeutic goods. Consumers are advised not to apotex valium injectable tanning products as they may cause serious side effects. Beautiful Lose Weight Gold 30 Capsules. Lose Weight 30 capsules. Safety Alert- Lose Weight 30 capsules.
Tamo 20 tablets may pose a serious risk to your health and should not be taken. Jimpness Beauty Fat Loss capsules. Permobil powered wheelchairs - Corpus II seating system.