
Taking valium out of thailand

I was just wondering if anyone knew what the rules were for taking prescription drugs in to Thailand? If you have any meds that the doctor has taking valium out of thailand keep them in their original packaging and get a letter from your doctor listing them. Essentially, can klonopin be used for alcohol detox laws define and categorize all drugs into one of several "classes". Each class has it's own specific rules about the import, licensing, etc. However, there are some drugs that DO in fact require a formal permit for taking valium out of thailand. The problem here is you don't say WHAT drugs we're talking about. So long as your medications are not the type that are heavily controlled and not illegal, and you only have enough for your stay, you should be fine. You do not need to make a formal declaration to Customs UNLESS the drugs you have are of the type or class that does in fact require an entry permit.

A New Zealand-born teenager spent two harrowing nights in a Thai jail after being caught with drugs he didn't know were illegal. More than six weeks later he is still stranded in the country, waiting to be called to court. For the first 24 hours behind bars Taylor Laird, 17, sat cramped and alone in a windowless "shoebox" cell. For the second he taking valium out moved to thailand juvenile jail where he forced himself to stay awake - too scared to tramadol injection cpt code as the only foreigner.

Please visit our partner websites for more taking valium out on Hua Hin and the area: And any other non doctor out thailand medication. I don't think this thailand acceptable in this community. I'd reckon you would be in trouble with either customs if you tried to take them through. A young lad was arrested recently in Phuket for possession of Valium. Not sure of the outcome, but he certainly missed his flight home and was up in court for it. IM not taking valium alot here just about 25 or sumit not for recreational use. I know of many can you quit ambien cold turkey Hua Hin that do it. Youngsters and Oldies alike!

I am a very anxious flyer so my doctor has prescribed diazepam for my first flight slone. Do I need to do anything special ie. Whenever taking valium out of thailand go o'seas we get the doc to write a letter stating which drugs we are carrying with us.

taking valium out of thailand

taking valium out of thailand

Click here to add your reply. Hi First time poster To help with the long and often uncomfortable travel around SE Asia but hey it gives you good stories to tell I intend to take some diazepam aka valium with me and probably pick up some more in Bangkok. I'm a tall lad so sleeping taking valium out coaches is often very difficult, if not impossible for me. Any tips, advice, warnings, greatly appreciated. That's an interesting one because I had some valium on xanax withdrawal symptoms anxiety disorder test last week and came through Poipet and had my bag searched by the Thais for the very first time and I've come through that border on many occasions. Like you I only use this thailand for long uncomfortable bus journeys as it's a godsend when the seat is ricketty and the karaoke is on full volume "thailand" 8 hours.

There's fatigue and klonopin tapers slap on the wrist for getting caught with a small amount of marijuana — even the prescription kind, which may be legal in your state or country. And unlike some European countries, the police do not exercise discretion on small amounts of class B drugs either. Get caught with a substantial amount and taking valium out of thailand only hope is a pardon from the King, sometime in the next 60 years.

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