Ambien at 35 weeks pregnant
I was 40 weeks along weeks my firstborn and a soon pregnant be mother. I had a lot of pre-term problems and was ready ambien force this kid out if necessary. Actually, I told him that his lease was up!
pregnant ambien at 35 weeks
I was 40 weeks along with my firstborn and a soon to be mother. I had a lot of pre-term problems and was ready to force this kid out if necessary. Actually, I told him that his lease was up! The OB thought I would be going into labor soon and wanted me to be well-rested before it happened. So, she prescribed Ambien. Now, Ambien is normally a safe and gentle sleeping medication.
She told me that I would sleep well, not wake up groggy and would NOT sleep through ambien. I slept well and didn't wake up groggy. But I didn't go into labor either. Then to make it really interesting, I had to experience a one-of-a-kind response to the drug. Here's how it happened So, I took my first and only pill. Pretty soon, I started feeling really fuzzy weeks pregnant. I decided to head to lorazepam will it give you a positive urine test bathroom before I went to bed.
Now, I have never been drunk or "buzzed" in my life no, I'm not lying! Dan remembers me giggling like "weeks pregnant" loon and stumbling to weeks pregnant bathroom. I was so "tipsy" that I needed his help getting there. Then he helped ambien back to bed, I leaned against him and felt things spinning. He got up for a glass of phentermine pregnancy test results and I fell on my face while sitting on the bed.
It was so weird and quickly grew weirder. Yes, you read correctly. Ambien sleeping aid made me hallucinate! We laugh about all this now. But Dan became really concerned when he heard me talking about all the pretty colors, seeing Persian rug designs, a Taj Mahal-like structure and little munchkins fresh from the Wizard of Oz. They were standing behind downed trees in a forest.
And yet somehow through all of this, when he asked me for my doctor's phone number, I was able to spit it out 35 ambien weeks pregnant at memory. My doctor called him back really fast! He explained the situation to which she soberly replied, "That's not good. If I did not weeks pregnant asleep soon, he was to call her back.
I did, so he didn't have to. I woke up easily the next morning, and we weeks pregnant flushed the rest of the pills. Andrew was born a week later, after being induced. He's now an active five weeks pregnant old with more energy than I can handle. I know my "drug trip" will be a funny story for him when he's older. We'll continue to laugh about it when he's asked, "What would surprise us the most to know about you?
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