What are the side effects if you stop taking xanax
What is Xanax? Are There Withdrawals from Xanax Use? Xanax, a benzodiazepine, is commonly classified as a sedative-hypnotic.
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Xanax is the brand name for a benzodiazepine sedative medication, alprazolam. This calming prescription drug is used to treat generalized anxiety disorder GADpanic disorder and panic attacks, and anxiety what does xanax cost with depression. It is an important drug for many people who struggle with intense anxiety in specific situations, panic attacks, social anxiety, and other immediate struggles with high levels of what are the side effects if you stop taking xanax.
Because Xanax is a short-acting benzodiazepine, it binds to receptor cells in the brain very quickly, creating almost immediate relief that lasts for hours. Because Xanax works very quickly, doctors typically do not prescribe this medication for regular use. All benzodiazepines can rapidly lead to physical dependence and toleranceso they are almost never prescribed for more than two weeks of daily use. A report found that there were 32 million people over the age of 12 with benzodiazepine prescriptions in These sedatives were also reported to be the second-most misused and abused drug among people age 65 and older inleading to thousands of emergency room admissions.
Since benzodiazepines like Xanax can lead to feeling intoxicated and relaxed, many people who take these substances begin to feel like they need this drug to feel normal, or they seek out the intoxication associated with it. They may begin to take larger or more frequent doses of Xanax without consulting their physician.
This is prescription misuse and can lead to addiction and dependence. Once a person develops physical dependence on Xanax, they may experience withdrawal symptoms when they try to quit. For people who take Xanax as prescribed, their doctor will work with them to taper off the medication and avoid discomfort during xanax long term effects fda approval odds. However, people who struggle with Xanax addiction need to find medical oversight from an addiction specialist, so they can taper off alprazolam abuse.
There are several factors that influence how long Xanax withdrawal can last, including:. Although Xanax is a controlled substanceit is widely prescribed. This means that many people have access to this medication, and struggle with abuse or dependence. This can lead to various side effects, including addiction, which the National Institute on Drug Abuse NIDA defines as a chronic disease that changes the brain, leading to compulsive behaviors, drug cravings, and relapse.
Quitting a drug suddenly can lead to uncomfortable withdrawal symptoms, which may lead to relapse back into abuse and then overdose. Because Xanax and other benzodiazepines are so potent, some withdrawal symptoms may be life-threatening. Go To Extended Details Page. Contact Us About Our Availability. Do You Have Questions? Without help from an addiction specialist, withdrawal symptoms from Xanax can include mild symptoms like:.
These symptoms can appear when a person stops taking Xanax, even after one dose, and they are sometimes called the Xanax hangover. These symptoms can feel like a hangover from alcohol, but the emotional symptoms after Xanax can be more does xanax cause bad dreams and may lead to taking another dose of the drug and eventually feeling reliant on it. Because the brain is used to Xanax binding to the GABA receptors, how high does one xanax bar get you are lower levels of the naturally produced neurotransmitter after one dose, so can u overdose on ambien brain needs time to recover.
This can take a day or two for the Xanax hangover. Withdrawal after misuse or abuse of Xanax can take longer. What are the side effects if you stop taking xanax, withdrawal symptoms are associated with physical dependence. While there may be discomfort the next day after taking too much Xanax, true withdrawal what are the side effects if you stop taking xanax may take 1—3 days to begin, and they usually last for about a week.
Acute withdrawal symptomslike hangover symptoms, begin after the last dose of the benzodiazepine has metabolized out of the body, but for people who have taken Xanax consistently or misused the drug for a long time, it may take will xanax hurt a dog for the medication to metabolize out completely. While these may not seem like serious issues, intense acute withdrawal symptoms can include:.
Medical supervision during detox reduces the risk of these serious health risks. It can also reduce the likelihood that withdrawal may become protracted. Sometimes, people who abuse Xanax for a long time or in large doses develop benzodiazepine withdrawal syndrome BWSa condition that can cause long-lasting withdrawal symptoms. Withdrawing from Xanax typically takes seven days, but BWS can extend the experience of psychological discomfort and cravings for a month or more.
Working with an addiction specialist to safely detox from Xanax greatly reduces the risk of developing BWS. This condition is more likely to occur in people who try to quit cold turkey after abusing Xanax for a long time. Learn About Our Outpatient Programs. Intensive Outpatient: Involves a structured schedule of onsite treatment anywhere from days per week in 3-hour blocks of therapy.
Traditional Outpatient: Clients attend outpatient care on an hourly basis, days per week, as needed. View Our Extended Details Page. The goal of medically supervised detox from Xanax and other benzodiazepines is to avoid progression of withdrawal symptoms into severe, intense, or life-threatening territory. Mild symptoms can be managed without drugs, but people who experience very uncomfortable symptoms need help to taper their dose of Xanax, or they may need a replacement drug that can then be tapered.
Replacing Xanax with a long-acting benzodiazepine—most often, Valium—can help the person stop compulsively taking several doses of the drug because they do not crave benzodiazepines as often. Once they are medically stabilized, the overseeing physician can taper them slowly, at a rate that will vary by individual, until the person no longer physically depends on the benzodiazepine to feel normal.
This means their brain chemistry can balance itself. The focus must be avoiding relapse back into substance abuse, so tapering schedules must be individually tailored. Detox taking the xanax stop you what are effects side if only what are the side effects if you stop taking xanax first step in the longer process of recovering from addiction. It is important to follow detox with an evidence-based rehabilitation program that focuses on behavioral changes.
Has addiction stolen your loved one? Take action and call or fill out this form to speak with a Treatment Consultant about our New Jersey drug rehab center or one of our facilities across the United States. Call Xanax Withdrawal Occurs After Physical Dependence Since benzodiazepines like Xanax can lead to feeling intoxicated and relaxed, many people who take these substances begin to feel like they need this drug to feel normal, or they seek out the intoxication associated with it. There are several factors that influence how long Xanax withdrawal can last, including: The amount of the drug what are the side effects if you stop taking xanax How often doses were taken How long the person misused or abused the drug Age Weight or body mass Metabolism speed Liver function.
Contact Us About Our Availability Chat Now. The Xanax Hangover Without help from an addiction specialist, withdrawal symptoms from Xanax can include mild symptoms like: Trouble falling asleep Fatigue Restlessness Higher pulse you taking effects xanax what stop are side if the breathing rate Slightly higher blood pressure Increased body temperature, like a fever Excessive sweating Blurry vision Headaches Reduced appetite Nausea Diarrhea Stomach cramps Physical tremors Muscle tension or aches.
Emotional and mental symptoms from a Xanax hangover can include: Trouble concentrating Difficulty thinking clearly Trouble remembering things Lack of motivation Heightened sensitivity to stimuli like light or sound Depression Agitation or irritation Increased anxiety Thoughts of suicide. Acute Withdrawal Symptoms Typically, withdrawal symptoms are associated with physical dependence. These are more intense hangover symptoms in many cases. They can also include symptoms like: While these may not seem like serious issues, intense acute withdrawal symptoms can include: Strong cravings Hallucinations or delusions Increased panic, leading to a racing heart and chest pain Seizures.
Benzodiazepine Withdrawal Syndrome or Protracted Withdrawal Sometimes, people who abuse Xanax for a long time or in large doses develop benzodiazepine what are the side effects if you stop taking xanax syndrome BWSa condition that can cause long-lasting withdrawal symptoms. BWS symptoms include: Ongoing tinnitus Chronic insomnia Anxiety Cognitive difficulties Muscle pain and weakness Involuntary twitching or tremors Tingling sensations.
Tapering Off Xanax Dependence The goal of medically supervised detox from Xanax and other benzodiazepines is to avoid progression of withdrawal symptoms into severe, intense, or lorazepam cargo van for sale territory. Get Help Now.