What is the pill diazepam for
the for is what pill diazepam
This benzodiazepine was synthesized in by Croatian chemist Leo Sternbach to treat anxiety, seizures, and insomnia. The drug quickly grew in popularity around the world. Diazepam is used to treat a variety of ailments, from insomnia and anxiety to seizures, muscle spasms, and restless leg syndrome. However, there is a dark side to diazepam; the drug has proven what is the pill diazepam for be highly addictive.
Like most benzodiazepines, diazepam targets the central nervous system by increasing gamma-aminobutyric acid GABA levels in the brain. This neurotransmitter inhibits neuron activity in the brain, ebbing anxiety and creating a general feeling of wellness. However, diazepam use does come with some negative side effects. While some of these side effects "what is the pill diazepam for" fade as the drug leaves the body, studies indicate that diazepam can have a lasting impact on the person using it.
It is quite common for people who begin using diazepam for medical reasons to find themselves struggling with an addiction. According to the Royal College of Psychiatrists40 percent of people who use diazepam for longer than six weeks will end up addicted for what diazepam the is pill the drug. What is the pill diazepam for, this behavior will lead to physical dependence on diazepam if left unchecked.
How do you know if someone you care about is developing an addiction to diazepam? Watch for some of the telltale signs of drug abuse, like increasing their dosage or experiencing cravings for the drug. You can also watch for frequent signs of intoxication. Some symptoms of diazepam abuse, which could point to an addiction, are:. Should you or someone you care about develop a diazepam addiction, it is important that you get the help you need to overcome it as soon as possible. However, fighting a diazepam addiction is not as easy as simply stopping use.
The Australian Prescriber suggests that individuals gradually taper off benzodiazepines such as diazepam; stopping use too abruptly, they warn, could cause seizures. Other withdrawal side effects include:. The National Institute of Drug Abuse suggests that people suffering from addiction take several steps during their recovery. These include detoxification the withdrawal period discussed abovecounseling and psychiatric evaluations, and the development of a long-term treatment plan to ensure the success of their sobriety.
How long have they been using diazepam? Were they using the drug for medical or recreational purposes? Do they have any co-occurring mental health issues to deal with as well? What is the pill diazepam for they more comfortable talking about their addiction in a group or a one-on-one setting? There is no doubt that fighting an addiction is a difficult journey; however, maintaining sobriety is a far more rewarding path than continuing the cycle of abuse.
If you, or someone you care about, are struggling with diazepam abuse, reach out for help today. Has meds side effects tramadol hcl 50 mg high stolen your loved one? Take action and call or fill out this form to speak with a Treatment Consultant about our Louisiana drug rehab center or one of our facilities across the United States. Some symptoms of diazepam abuse, which could point to an addiction, are: Memory problems Difficulty concentrating Putting what is the pill diazepam for xanax for sleep in elderly parents for the drug above other priorities Isolating from friends and family.
Other withdrawal side effects include: