Taking valium before public speaking
Results 1 to 11 of Considering doing this to decrease nerves and improve performance during presentations for work, I was wondering has anyone else tried this? What dosage is optimal and have you mixed them? Check out a product called bodyquicken.
Big community funding update! Medication for public speaking phobia? June 18, 4: Very concerned about being taking valium before public speaking a drug-seeker, though -- how to avoid this? I'm in grad school, where I have to give presentations on an infrequent but semi-regular basis, and my public speaking phobia is making this hell. I know this is something many others struggle with, but I stutter, which seems to compound everything: I also have cerebral palsy, and so when my legs begin to shake out taking valium before public speaking sheer terror, I sometimes lose my balance, which adds to can i take ambien and drink alcohol overall anxiety. So I was thinking of asking my GP for some short-term medication to help me stay relaxed mentally and physically in these situations.
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Before taking public speaking valium
Home Forum Mark Forums Read. Hi, I've had anxiety all of my adult life mainly social but it's under control now - mainly through a process of not letting myself avoid things and building up that life experience. I still feel anxious often, but it's to a level where I can still do all the things I need to do. I'm so used to the feeling that I just take it as a given. However, I have a big presentation coming up at work next week and I'm not sure how I'm going to get through it. I've been able to do small and short presentations in the past with the help of beta blockers but nothing on this level. Even beta blockers 40mg only take the edge off.
Does Valium work to help control fear and anxiety while enganged in public speaking? It doesn't happen to me unless I am told I have to make a speech, but this is becoming more common in my work now and when it comes to it I am increasingly finding it harder and the symptons are worse than before. Has anyone ever used this drug to combat these kind of symptons? I know very little about any of it, it was just one drug that I heard brought up before for coping with anxiety symptons. If it is what is the reccomended sort of dosage and price range? Can it be prescribed by a doctor? Hi Mike I haven't any experience of the effects of Valium in such circumstances and it may help but in the long run would it not be better if you could feel more relaxed about public speaking without needing to take anything. Check out this panic attack program and this download on public speaking confidence. I'm sure you could find both beneficial. Let us know how you get on.
I used to be terrified of public speaking. I remember one particularly stressful conference I attended, where, two days before my speech, I had to rush off to my hotel room to take a Valium, simply to get through the day. Product launches, press conferences, even internal training courses I ran: It got so bad, this fear, that I consulted various professionals for help.
Most people have experienced performance anxiety at some time during their life. Acting in an amateur theater group can trigger taking valium before public speaking fright. So can giving a presentation in front of business colleagues. Some people become paralyzed if they have to perform a musical composition for an audience.
Can you take taking valium before public speaking if you are nervous before a speech? I want to take one just for this presentation My Nan has some, i am sure if i ask her for 1 tiny pill she will let me have it has anyone tried it for nerves and how did u find it? Are you sure you want to delete this answer? Diazepam is really useful for situations like this if you are familiar with taking valium before public speaking and know your tolerance levels. Its what is tramadol acetaminophen 37.5 325 used for having to do presentations if you suffer from anxiety and if you take the right amount of diazepam at the right time it can make a real difference.