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There are many prescription tramadol hcl medicines available, and frequently people want to compare them to determine how they are similar and how they are different, particularly when it comes to which is "versus" for treating pain. Two commonly prescribed prescription painkillers are tramadol and Lortab, so how do tramadol vs.
Lortab compare to one another? What are the similarities and differences between these two drugs? Tramadol is classified as an versus analgesic, which means it impacts the central nervous system and relieves pain by changing how your brain and body perceive it. As with other opioids, tramadol does carry the risk of addiction or physical dependence. When you take tramadol, as with other opioids, it binds to opioid receptors and increases certain neurotransmitters including norepinephrine and serotonin.
With the brand name versions of tramadol such as Ultram, there is a combination of active ingredients, which is the tramadol and also acetaminophen. Because of the opioid effects of tramadol, it is a controlled substance, and as mentioned, there is also the potential for abuse. Antidepressant Element Versus comparing tramadol vs. Lortab, one of the biggest differences in versus two opioids is the fact phentermine manufacturer kvk tech tramadol also acts as an antidepressant.
As mentioned, it influences the action of serotonin and norepinephrine in the brain, which plays a role in mood and emotion. The hydrocodone in Lortab helps coughs, while versus acetaminophen is good for reducing fever. Side Effects Many of the side effects of tramadol vs. Lortab are also similar to one another. Some of the side effects of tramadol can include dizziness, sore throat, itching, drowsiness, headache, constipation, nausea and vomiting, and weakness.
Some of the more severe side effects of tramadol can include seizures, mood problems and the risk of suicidal thoughts, and allergic reactions. The side effects of Lortab can include confusion, low blood pressure, respiratory depression, and gastric obstruction. According to the DEA, hydrocodone is one of the most abused opioids available, so this risk may be higher with Lortab than with tramadol, although either can become addictive and can create a physical dependence.
So what about how effective they are for the treatment of pain? Research has shown that generally Lortab is going to be more effective than tramadol. This is partially because of the acetaminophen component of Lortab, which combats pain in another way than an opioid. However, with the inclusion of best way to reduce diazepam comes additional risks is xanax a long acting benzo this medicine can cause liver damage or failure if too much is taken for a certain period of time.
To sum up the differences in tramadol vs. There are also additional risks associated with the inclusion of acetaminophen because of potential liver damage. Can You Mix Tramadol and Alcohol? Contact Us. Teen Addiction. Drug Abuse Hotline. Alcohol Hotline. Drug hydrocodone better help? Call us today. Mental Health First Aid. Heroin Hotline.
Marijuana Hotline. Don't wait another day. Help is a phone call away. Share 3. Tramadol vs. Lortab for Pain: What is the Difference? What is Tramadol? Tramadol or Ultram is used for the treatment of pain 1mg xanax street value from moderate to severe, and there are extended-release tablet options available as well. Speak to a Tramadol Intake Coordination Specialist now.
Speak with an Intake Coordination Specialist now. What is Lortab? When looking at tramadol vs. Lortab, the two are incredibly similar. Lortab is a brand name drug that contains an opioid component, which is hydrocodone, and acetaminophen. Antidepressant Element. When comparing tramadol vs. Side Effects. Many of the side effects of tramadol vs. Tramadol Addiction. Have more questions about Tramadol abuse? See also Tramadol Hotline.
Tramadol and Seizures. Taking Tramadol While Pregnant. Lortab for Pain. Latest Related Posts: