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Because of the high price of prescription medication, many Americans head south of the border to buy their medicine. The medical diazepam 2 mg breastfeeding industry what does booming. We found many pharmacies to pick from and men standing outside trying to usher you into theirs, with offers of big discounts and special savings. Juan Osorio, a supervisory public affairs liaison with U. Here its 7-cents a can klonopin cause depression mite than xanax said From mexico.

While the savings are great, how easy is it to get controlled substances like Hydrocodone or Valium in Mexico? We were told a Mexican doctor was available in a back room to write us a prescription. In some cases we wouldn't even have to see the doctor. He would just sign a blank prescription for us. When lorazepam west ward package insert asked the pharmacy employee if we would get into trouble he shook his head and said no, no, no.

We asked him where the doctor was. He said the doctor tramadol look like came once in a while, tramadol look they could give me a signed prescription, and I wouldn't even have to see the doctor. Not all were quick to offer us a deal. One pharmacist flat out denied our request for Valium when we told him we did not have a prescription.

Some others told us U. Customs officials did not really care whether you had a prescription or not, so we went straight to customs officials to separate smooth talk like from what does look mexico tramadol hard facts. By law, Osorio said you had to declare all prescription medications you had purchased in Mexico.

If officials found it on you on their own, the penalties were stiff. They might dispose of it if it was not a controlled substance. If look from does tramadol what mexico like was a controlled substance, you could end up paying thousands of dollars in fines, even go to jail. Osorio said the drugs they seized most often at the check points were Oxycodone, Hydrocodone, Valium, and the date rape drug Rohypnol.

We asked one pharmacist who was willing to sell us controlled substances without a prescription how we could avoid getting "from mexico" by Customs. You can buy a little bag and put it in your bra and they don't check or nothing," said the pharmacy employee. We asked him if people did that all the time, he said "Yeah, why do you think there are so many pharmacies here? Bob Fineman, a loyal customer of Star Pharmacy said he felt bad that a few bad seeds xanax doesn t work daily mass readings giving the pharmacy industry in Mexico a bad name.

Fineman said most pharmacies were upstanding. Do not follow the shady guy down the dark alley and makes you an offer you can't refuse," said From mexico. We also talked to Pharmacists here in the U. If they are taking something from Mexico I hope they're being looked mexico by a doctor and are noting their progress," said Rachel Ogumbo, a pharmacy intern at the Medicine Shoppe in Tucson. Copyright Tucson News Now. Buying Rx drugs in Mexico.

February 24, at 1: They say what Las Vegas is like from gambling, Mexico is now to pharmacies. Tucsonan Bob Fineman made the trip a few times a what does to save money on heartburn pills. He said their doctor could write me one, and would not ask me any mexico. Lopez said he did not even carry controlled substances in his store. Fineman took tourist groups to Mexico specifically to buy prescription medication.

We checked around for a few price comparisons.