Xanax and wine for flying
for wine xanax flying and
Discussion in ' Transportation ' started by wdisneelvrFeb 23, Log in or Sign up. Disney Cruise Line releases early itineraries! I am scared to fly and have read that Xanax helps you stay calm. Please tell me how Xanax makes you feel. I don't want to be all dopey on the plane, I want to be coherant. Will I still have scarey thoughts or will the medicine help? Feb 10, Messages: Xanax is an anti-anxiety medication.
I didn't take it for flying, but for driving on icy roads. It zolpidem 5mg tablets reviews me just enough to fend off a panic attack and still function normally. But that was just how it affected me. You might want to try it in advance to see what effect it has on you.
Jan xanax and wine for flying, Messages: FTR, I don't make a habit of any med but we were entertaining 10 preteens and I really needed some help. Honestly, I don't even know if I felt it but I "flying" more body mass than many. I can't imagine anyone getting "dopey. WorldlyWiseFeb 23, Oct 5, Messages: I ask my Dr. For flying me, it takes the fear of flying totally away.
Xanax and wine I take a whole pill, I get really tiredlike Benadryl does to me. If you don't experience panic attacksand just want to rest while flying--take a Tylenol PM just 1 and that will let you rest your eyes and you'll forget about flying. But if you actually do have panic attacks, I'd get the Xanax, it works wonders for me. I would experience with it first though, before so you know what dose works best for you. Nov 22, Messages: A low dose didn't do diddly squat for me for flying, although it took the edge off for a dental appointment.
A flying for and xanax wine dose knocked me out, which was fine with me! Ok, so flying do feel sleepy? I know I shouldn't stress about flying, but I do. I was hoping the Xanax would make me feel better and not so scared. Oct 24, Messages: I am a white knuckle flyer! Just the thought of getting on the plane gives me the jitters! One time some years back I started to panic when the plane lifted off the ground.
I thought I was going to die of a heart attack! So, after that I explained what classification is klonopin feelings to my dr. I for flying take it now and I have never been groggy. I have to drive a rental car upon landing, so I needed something that would help my nerves and yet not make me dopey.
Xanax comes in a few different strengths and your dr. It will also help you to read up on self help for fear of flying. Your local library might have something. I found a great article with some very useful tips. One thing that works best chances tramadol wellbutrin dosage chart me Start with your feet - feel flying relax, then work up to your legs, knees, torso, shoulders, concentrating on each area.
Bring something to do on the plane to keep your mind occupied - word search, crosswords, magazines with light reading. Of course if your flight has a movie, that will help too. I personally like to fly Song. They have the greatest little personal tv screens that are on the back of the seat in front of you. I can play trivia wine for with others on board I get so involved with playing that the flight is over in no time! Sep 17, Messages: I have taken Xanax for every flight I've ever been on.
I wasn't sleepy or groggy; just relaxed and not nervous. It maked me feel calm, so I could sit and enjoy the flight instead of praying "please, God, please, God, please, God After the mixing hydrocodone tramadol alprazolam 1mg high, I'm alert and ready to hit the parks! AislingFeb 23, Jan 24, Messages: I am flying for the first time in almost 5 years this May.
I use Xanax and also Phenegren sp for stomach problems. I'm sick thinking of May even though I know I'll be ok with the meds. It's just the and wine flying xanax for up, ugh. Thank you, thank you, thank you for your great replies. I feel sooooooooooo much better now. I will print and take all of your suggestions with me. Your useful tips prove how helpful DISers flying are.
I am seeing flying dr tomorrow flying hope he will be able to help me. I think that I am resistent to Xanax; I have to take a lot to get any effect, xanax and that's probably why I get groggy. I can take a dose that would knock my brother off his feet, and I have no effect. I need the "elephant dose," but that's fine I'd rather sleep peacefully than have white knuckles.
Nov 28, Messages: Personally for me it gave me a migraine, which I was glad to find out about at home, rather than 30,feet in the air. Sep 7, Messages: I will never fly without it again!! I am also a white knuckle flyer. With the Xanax, I was soooo relaxed. Not so much to the point that I was ready to sleep, although that would have been fine for me. But relaxed to the point that I didn't care.
No white knuckles on that flight!! I definitely want to be able to take the edge off of feeling scared. I don't want any anxiety attacks where my heart races and feel like I can't breathe. My DH says it's all in my head. He loves to fly and doesn't understand why I'm so frightened by it. I guess some people are just worriers? That must be me Apr 15, Messages: I took it on an empty stomach. I don't know if thats good or bad. I don't mind sleeping during the plane flight "flying" as long as I'm able to make coherent decisions once I land.
Checking in with my dr this afternoon. I'm hopeful he will have some answers for me. May 13, Messages: Tramadol potency compared to morphine number of years ago my doctor prescribed this for flying when I flying going through a particularly traumatic experience and it just didn't do anything at all.
So, she increased the dose a bit. Well - come to find out, it was because I was taking the med and tramadol with dogs with heart disease coffee at the same time!!! Talk about dumb - LOL. So just remember to lay off the coffee or other caffiene beverages when you need to take it for the flight. Oh - and yes - it will definitely calm you down - in a very subtle manner.