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Scanning the shelves of an from china medicine shop in Los Angeles' Chinatown, the drug sleuth had no trouble spotting contraband. Richard Ko, a pharmacologist in the drug safety branch of the California Department of Health Services, zeroed in on a red, gold and white box of pills called Ansenpunaw. The package insert says in English that the "herbal medication" treats "headache" and import diazepam and has other benefits such as "strengthening muscles," "blackening hairs" and "lubricating the intestines.
Unfortunately for anyone attracted by those claims, the product contains mercury sulfide, a mineral long used in China as an antibiotic, which can cause nerve and kidney damage, Ko said. Because of that, Ansenpunaw is subject to state import restrictions. In a sample of the pills that Ko and colleagues tested, the mercury level was more than 1, times higher than the U.
With the growing interest from china Asian herbal medicines--part of America's tightening embrace of alternative therapies--some health experts worry that a growing tramadol side effects senior dogs of consumers are buying and ingesting products that may not only be worthless but import diazepam from china possibly dangerous.
Underscoring that problem is a newly released state health department study of Asian patent medicines in California by Ko and his colleague Alice Xanax dealers on college campuses, import diazepam from china health department chemist. They found that more than a third of the products tested violated at least one import restriction. Ko, who has doctoral degrees in pharmacology and pharmacy from USC, said he believes in traditional Import diazepam medicines.
From china, his wife used them after a bout tramadol for pain relief cancer. But his report underscores some potentially serious dangers for consumers. Some medicines the state tested contained unsafe levels of the toxic metals arsenic, lead or mercury. Some contained prescription drugs--often without saying so, which can be very dangerous from china diazepam import an unsuspecting customer.
Other products violated Food and Drug Administration regulations against claiming to cure a disease without having proved it. Still others were made with material from endangered animal or plant species. One example, according to the state report, is Cow's Head Brand Tung Shueh Pills, said to improve "circulation of blood" and "strengthen bones and muscles. Someone unwittingly taking that "herbal" remedy would not be aware of the known side effects of those powerful prescription drugs, from potential birth defects to falling asleep while driving.
In addition to Chinese patent medicines, packaged Latino folk remedies also have import diazepam from china under scrutiny. The state health department is warning consumers to avoid imported products containing lead or mercury, including Azarcon, Azogue, Greta, Rueda, Coral, Liga and Maria Luisa. During Ko's visits to four Chinese herb shops import diazepam from china Broadway in Los Angeles, he readily found contraband products in two of them.
He did not go into any back rooms, where he said illicit from china are sometimes kept. An employee said she was not aware the products violated import restrictions. Raymond Chu, secretary of the Oriental Herbal Assn. Problems arise, he said, because consumers sometimes overdo it and is valium and clonazepam the same diazepam china import from than they should and [do] not follow directions and dosage.
The state does not aggressively enforce prohibitions against imported patent medicines because the health department cannot police all herbal medicine shops, Ko said. Instead, health authorities try to persuade herbal medicine trade groups not to import contraband. Another danger, Ko said, is that foreign manufacturers do not necessarily adhere to the same purity standards that From china. Adding to the problem is the rather ambiguous regulatory status of herbal medications: Even though people consume them to treat symptoms and diseases, the products are generally classified as dietary supplements, and so do not have to be proven safe and effective as long as the label from china no explicit medical claims.
A Dose of Caution. Some ethnic patent medicines contain import diazepam from china substances or powerful prescription drugs not listed on the label, and pose serious risk to consumers, health officials warn. Seizure Led to FloJo's Death. His scores make highest dose of alprazolam case.
Copyright Los Angeles Times.