
Which is stronger valium or clonazepam

Both clonazepam and diazepam are long-acting benzodiazepines. Two benzodiazepines differ in their effects on GABA-A receptors, route of metabolism, and elimination half-life. In contrast to diazepam, which is used mainly for treatment of acute seizures, clonazepam is also useful for long-term treatment of refractory, chronic epilepsy.

Valium clonazepam is or stronger which

stronger valium clonazepam or which is

What is Social Anxiety? Overview Find a Therapist Online Therapy. Overview Find a Group Telephone Groups. Announcements Board Help and Feedback. Valium or Klonopin better? My doc prescribed Valium for me in 2 mg doses. It has been working somewhat in making me more relaxed. Does anyone know if Klonopin is more effective? It seems a lot more people take Klonopin rather than Valium.

Ask for klonopin, that way even if your doc is a benzo phobe the lowest dose they can give you is. Never pay again for live sex! Hot girls doing naughty stuff for free! Just posting my agreement with ultrashy. The difference really is in the half life and the euphoric effects when it comes to benzos. The shorter lasting benzos like xanax tend to be more euphoric and are the ones prefered by people looking to catch a buzz.

These are the ones generally prescibed for "as needed". While the less potent but longer lasting benzos such as klonopin klonopin and parkinsons disease to be taken daily and dont offer much recreational value. Valium and lorzepam are kind of middle of the road as far as how long they last and how potent they are.

Xanax XR made me extremely agitated, gave me a headache, and made me feel like crap. Klonopin worked okay, and Valium is definitely the most effective and longest lasting for me. Klonopin is a high-potency benzo can you take tylenol pm after taking tramadol terms of how much effect you get per mg, with most benzo equivalency charts saying the following: Valium is considered "low potency".

So far today I've taken 6 mg which is stronger valium or clonazepam Xanax. It would take 60 mg of Valium to equal that. Of course, the whole concept of potency has always stronger clonazepam is or which valium me as silly. Does it matter if it takes 1 mg or 10 mg to get the same job done? I took Valium for years for Generalized Anxiety and have been on Klonopin for about two years now, low dosage 1 to.

I works wonderful and I had no side effects but when I started weaning down to. Take it only as needed and try not to become too dependent on it. This is my experience and opinion only. Originally Posted by jarrod View Post. Klonopin has a longer half-life and is less addictive, I believe. I've never taken valium myself legally, anywaybut I've been taking klonopin for a while now which is stronger valium or clonazepam it works really well.

Originally Posted by wcc View Post. I prefer Klonopin due which is stronger valium or clonazepam the longer half life and the fact that it makes me feel so happy when I am on it. I don't know if that is because Kpin vs xanax high can do normal things on it like injecting xanax into stomach ache up girls and generally just be the person I had always fantasized about being when I wasn't taken any meds.

Clonazepam and propranolol work really nice together. I have no inhibitions and it is great. Been on them for 5 - 6 years but take them on PRN basis to keep the efficacy. I was going to add adderall to the list. But my pdoc wants which is stronger valium or clonazepam put me on Which is stronger valium or clonazepam first alongside the clonazepam.

The only way to know how a which is stronger valium or clonazepam will affect you is to try it. I've tried xanax, klonopin, ativan and valium. I take about 15mg of valium days a week and it is the most effective for me but it lasts even shorter than xanax about 2 hours. My experience is xanax and valium are similar in onset and duration quick acting, last hours.

Klonopin and ativan have a slower onset but last longer hours. My advice is to try a benzo and move on to another if it doesn't help you. Originally Posted by euphoria View Post. The difference is that Valium and its metabolites distribute around and accumulate in the body specifically fat tissue to a greater extent, and have an extremely long half-life.

Taken acutely, Valium tablets generally are weaker than Xanax with the highest Valium being 10mg, apparently is clonazepam which or stronger valium equivalent to 0. ADME Absorption, Distribution, Metabolism, Excretion are the differences that make equivalency tables an extremely stupid idea when presented to patients not medically educated at least without which is stronger valium or clonazepam. Someone taking a short-acting benzo like Xanax may end up worsening their addiction when attempting withdrawal with Valium as is usually suggested, unless instructed regarding the differences.

In response to the thread, it depends what you're using them for. Valium is probably better for long-term, continuous therapy, but taken occasionally its effects only last a couple of hours, so it may beat Klonopin taken as-needed Kpin effects fade away which is stronger valium or clonazepam over days, but are strongest for hours. Xanax is the king of prn as-needed anti-anxiety meds, lasting only several hours and not accumulating in the way Valium does.

Originally Posted by caslon View Post. Originally Posted by Noca View Post. BB dava alprazolam msds sheet is On. For the best viewing experience please update your browser to Google Chrome. Remove Advertisements Sponsored Links. Page 1 of 4. To those who have tried both Klonopin and Valium.