Can you take valium before c section
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You may view most soma street price of the forum without registering. If you wish to post, you do need to register. Results 1 before 9 of 9. I am due to have my c section in a few weeks and am petrified of the needle in my back! My OB said that I can request something from the anaethatist to calm me down "can you take" to the procedure.
Has anyone else been given Valium or similar and how did it work for you? I just told the anaesthetist that I was anxious and he said he would put a mummy cocktail in the drip. The staff were already valium before of how I was feeling so they were does diazepam keep you awake chatty and kept my mind off the whole thing.
Do you know what they gave you and did it really help?!? I had a DnC and was extremely anxious so they gave me the happy stuff. It's instantaneous and from that point forward you don't have a care in the world. Can you would section take before you can valium c for it for sure. FYI I had a c section and the needle in the back was no worse than giving blood and that it totally honest. It wasn't a drama at all. This time it's planned so can be a little better prepared.
The anaesthatist tried 8 times to get my epi in and was getting frustrated I had back pain at the site for weeks after and still get quesy thinking about it - so am opting for a spinal and whatever other drugs I can have section get me through it! Unfortunately for me it's the same anaesthatist! Lol Valium doesn't touch the sides on me either unfortunately, its like i am immune so i want something else apart from a GA! I def won't have an epidural section time. It will take valium a once off spinal similar but nothing stays in your spine ie: Similar Threads Spinal or Epidural?
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