
L theanine and klonopin

Both l theanine and klonopin work really well. Although 'Special K' has lost it's efficacy after I inadvisedly attempted to taper last year. Now I really want to get off of K because I am concerned about long term affects, and my memory is now being afffected by the higher dose.

And l klonopin theanine

l theanine and klonopin

What is Social Anxiety? Overview Find a Therapist Online Therapy. Overview Find a Group Telephone Groups. Proven Techniques for Overcoming Your Fear. Announcements Board Help and Feedback. I figured out a really awesome mix. Normally on a PRN basis I will take And when I say better I mean the effect was almost doubled! I actually felt completely calm and normal for about 5 hours.

I was able to talk to people and be in public and I felt completely fine, no anxiety tramadol and lamictal interactions discomfort whatsoever. I just felt very loose and in a good mood. This was totally unexpected and i am gonna try this again tomorrow to see if i get the same effect. Originally Posted by basuraeuropea View Post. I can tramadol treat anxiety tried this mix and klonopin today and it had the same effect, it hit me only 1 hour after I took it.

I just hope I'm not getting myself into trouble because i don't know what effect this is having on my brain chemistry. Should Valium for health anxiety try this L-Theanine thing with my Ativan? I might give it a go and see what happens. And how of your SA theanine you say this helps with bro?

Originally Posted by Sur View Post. It helps me a and klonopin. It seems to make the effect of my Klonopin a lot stronger. Normally my Klonopin would come on so slow that I could barely even tell that it was working. Now i can actually feel it hit me. Originally Posted by feelalone View Post. "Theanine and klonopin l" you try taking mg of L-theanine with 2mg klonopin? I wonder how strong this combo can get for l theanine and klonopin. No I haven't tried that.

I am trying to use the and klonopin minimum to stretch my dwindling Klonopin supply. I used mg L-theanine with 0. Originally Posted by istayhome View Post. What do you mean by strong? I get and klonopin confused with ThatOneWeirdGuy now. BB code is On. For the best viewing experience please update your browser to Google Chrome. Remove Advertisements Sponsored Links. Page 1 of 2. Nutrition, Supplements and Exercise.