
Taking valium before iud insertion

My Fiance is out of town, so I was planning on going alone, driving myself. Is driving myself a mistake? Taking valium before iud insertion I see if a friend can take me? So please, tell me ambien vis a vis sleep your taking valium before iud insertion went, how you were feeling after, and anything else you think I should know! You should be fine! Take ibuprofen an hour before your appointment. Had Mirena earlier this year. Insertion was fine, very mild cramp during but I have pretty horrible 7 day menstrual cycles with traveling cramps so in comparison Mirena discomfort was like nothing. I took Ibuprofen before which likely helped. Drove myself home but the nurse mentioned some women have fainted so if you could arrange someone else to drive you I think it would be better.

Previous Entry Next Entry. Log in No account? Comments 33 comments — Leave a comment. I wore loose pants drawstring waist for which I was greatful for. I took the ibuprofen. And afterwards was begging taking valium before iud insertion pain killers. If I would have had anything strong on hand I would have taken it.

Big community funding update! Managing IUD insertion and post-insertion pain May 3, 6: I'm extremely sensitive to pain especially right now, given recent medical history , but my doctors and I agree I need a Mirena IUD. I'd been on Nuvaring which I loved for two years. I agree with my doctors that my best choice now is a Mirena IUD. I naturally have exceptionally heavy, and fairly painful, periods -- no diagnosis for why, ultrasounds and hormonal testing all totally normal. Now that I'm on blood thinners for six months post-clot, we especially want to try to keep my bleeding as reduced as possible. I have a very low pain threshold anyway, I'm already in pain post-DVT syndrome in my leg veins , and I'm burned out on handling pain -- from the clot, from the initial treatment for the clot ten days of twice-daily, burning injections into my stomach , and now from the syndrome. Good things I have: So I want to take whatever is the biggest safe dose of one of them before the insertion.

She was so scared of repeating the pain she felt when she had the contraceptive device inserted, she kept putting off the appointment to replace it. She remembers the first insertion in excruciating detail- feeling like her gynecologist "jammed" the IUD through her cervix, and her boyfriend hovering over her face to try and keep her calm while her body quaked on the table. But the only thing Jackson remembers about her second IUD placement is the anesthesiologist asking her to count backwards, and waking up in the recovery room a few minutes later. When Jackson, who has a chronic pelvic pain disorder, told her pelvic pain specialist she was scared of having her IUD replaced, he offered to do it for her at a nearby hospital under full, IV sedation.

Hi everyone, I'm finally getting my mirena coil fitted on Monday! My friend had it and it's the best thing she has ever done, her periods were horrendous and they are now nearly zero to nothing,go for it xxx. Hi, I have had 2 of these in the past. It's uncomfortable getting it inserted but the end results far out weigh the discomfort. They are likely to give you some local anesthetic before they insert. The coil had really helped me over the years and stopped my periods completely until recently. I've just had to have the last one removed with my hysterectomy but that was nothing to do with the coil itself or anything.

before insertion iud valium taking

Before insertion iud valium taking

Just following up from my pitiful, feeling sorry for myself post taking valium before iud insertion. The first few days were pretty uncomfortable but it was no worse than menstrual cramps after the first 2 days. Definitely plan to relax after having how to take klonopin inserted. I would have done it a different day if I knew about the cramping. For those with questions about the actual insertion: Again, the procedure was more painful than I expected but it is over in a few minutes. The insertion goes like this: Then, they measure your uterus with a long skinny stick which is quite unpleasant but over quickly. They use that measurement to adjust the applicator thing with the IUD taking valium before iud insertion it and, while they do that, you can rest for a couple minutes. Then they actually insert the device.

Plus, I appreciate that it takes human error out of the iud insertion control equation. At her initial consultation, she asked her gynecologist about managing pain iud insertion the insertion process. Her doctor recommended she take a few Advil before the procedure, nothing special. Because of a scheduling conflict, a different doctor ended up inserting the device. I does lorazepam cause dry eyes seeing stars by the end of it. Intrauterine devices—small, T-shaped apparatuses that sit in the uterus and use hormones or copper to prevent pregnancy for three to 10 years—have been making taking valium before comeback. Between andjust 6 percent of women using birth control chose long-acting reversible contraception LARC —that is, IUDs or an implant.

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