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UBC Theses and Dissertations. Pharm,'University of Madras, M. I fur ther agree that permission for extensive copying of th is thes is for scho lar ly purposes may be granted by the Head of my Department or by h is representat ives. It is understood that copying or pub l i ca t dogs of th is thes is fo r f i nanc ia l gain sha l l not be allowed without my written permission. Microsomal en-zyme systems respons i b l e f o r such o x i d a t i v long term effects of taking lorazepam processes have been shown to be induced or i n h i b i dogs e d by a number of f a c t o r s. The minimum de tec tab le l e ve l of t o c a i n i diazepam 8.00mg for dogs e was 50 peg and the standard curve obta ined was l i n e a r over a range of peg to 3 ng. The area under the plasma concen t ra t i on versus time curve increased i n a d i s -p ropor dogs i ona diazepam 8.00mg for manner w i th an increase in the dose adm in i s t e red. The reduc t i on in the percent of dose excreted as the a c i d hydro-l y s ab l e conjugate suggested tha t pathways o ther than con jugat ing systems are probably induced "dogs diazepam 8.00mg for" a g rea te r ex tent than con jugat ing systems.

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