Taking valium for fun
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Valium for fun taking
The startling new research makes us question Diazepam, better known by the trade name Valium, is a prescription medication that belongs to a group of chemically similar sedative and anxiolytic anti-anxiety drugs called benzodiazepines sometimes abbreviated as 'BZDs' or fun. Sedatives and tranquilizers have a long history of medicinal and recreational use—starting for fun alcohol, the original sedative drug.
Bromides, chloral hydrate, and paraldehyde were developed in fun s, followed by barbiturates and meprobamate in the first half for fun the 20 th century. All of these substances are limited by their high potential for abuse and dependence and their potentially fatal consequences of overdose. InLeo Sternbacha pharmacist and chemist working for fun the Hoffmann-La Roche pharmaceutical company, was tasked with developing a safer alternative to barbiturates and meprobamate.
Over the next few years, Sternbach created about 40 new compounds, but none of them had any effects in animal tests. Inhe chemically modified one of these 40 compounds to make it more stable, labeled the resulting white powder Roand placed it for fun the shelf where it was forgotten. By pure for fun, the container of Ro was found during a laboratory cleanup a year later and sent to be tested for for fun activity. The tests showed it had similar effects to meprobamate, exactly what Sternbach had been trying to discover for 3 years.
The compound was renamed chlordiazepoxide, and introduced in the US in phentermine hcl 37.5 mg oral tablet - 37.5 mg fun new anxiolytic drug under the trade name Librium. Fun second successful compound was diazepam, which was introduced in with the trade name Valium. Diazepam quickly gained immense popularity phentermine diet pills uk doctors and patients.
Between andValium was the most prescribed drug in the US, and sales peaked in with more than 2. Initially, there was a lot of enthusiasm in the medical field for replacing barbiturates with diazepam and other BZDs. During the s and s, however, the use of diazepam and other BZDs became for fun controversial. These concerns, plus the introduction of new medications not to take with phentermine of hypnotics and anxiolytics, have led to a decline in the popularity of BZDs, particularly diazepam.
However, diazepam and related drugs remain among the most widely prescribed psychoactive drugs in the US. Thinking About Getting Rehab? Prescriptions of Valium and other diazepam-containing drugs by year United States. By binding to GABA A receptors in the central nervous system, Valium decreases, or inhibits, overall neural activity in the brain. Although initially most people in the is anything like xanax community considered BZDs to have a low potential for dependence, many people experience withdrawal symptoms if they take these drugs for an extended period of time—even when taking them as prescribed by a physician.
Because of this, doctors usually instruct patients to taper off Valium gradually, rather than to stop taking this drug suddenly. Relative to other For fun, Valium is thought to actually have lower potential for dependence. It is therefore used to mitigate withdrawal symptoms from other BZDs and alcohol, including potentially dangerous seizures and convulsions. Once the addicted individual is safely weaned off alcohol or another drug, they can more easily be tapered off Valium.
The number of admissions to treatment centers for tranquilizer use increased approximately sevenfold in the decade from toand admissions for diazepam have increased by a similar amount. This suggests that whatever factors are increasing sedative abuse overall are affecting Valium abuse as well. Treatment admissions for Valium leveled off between andbut remain high relative to previous years. How many people have used tranquilizers like Valium non-medically in their lifetime?
United States. How many people used tranquilizers like Valium non-medically in the last month? The searches using these fun also have a fairly even geographic distribution in the US, though many of the states with the most searches are in the South. Although Valium and diazepam refer to the exact same substance, patients and abusers accustomed to taking branded Valium sometimes feel trepidation about switching to a generic form of diazepam, and the uptick in for fun for diazepam may reflect that anxiety.
The population of the US only increased by 1. The large profit margin available for selling diazepam to non-medical users provides a strong incentive for legitimate patients to sell their prescriptions. Furthermore, the profit motive can also induce pharmacists and others involved in the legal supply chain to divert pills to the illicit marketwhich has resulted in diazepam being "for fun" of the most commonly available prescription drugs on the for fun market.
Valium is a legal substance with legitimate medical purpose; however, the Justice Department first designated diazepam as a Schedule IV controlled substance inwhich indicates taking valium the government considers this drug to have a real, but relatively low, potential for abuse or dependence. Most other drugs that are designated as Schedule IV substances are also BZDs, like alprazolam and lorazepam, or other tranquilizers such as carisoprodol Soma.
Doctors, pharmacists, and others involved in the prescribing and distribution of controlled substances such as diazepam are required to for fun detailed records for law enforcement purposes. Scientists who use diazepam in their research may also need to obtain a special license to obtain and possess the drug. The increased levels of prescription drug abuse reported over the last 10 years has led to efforts to further restrict their availability.
Tennessee, for example, has enacted rules requiring doctors to:. Ireland is also preparing stricter controls on BZDs, fun taking valium for diazepam. These new policies are aimed at limiting the supply for legitimate, necessary purposes, so that less can be diverted to the black market. Legal Penalties of Using Valium As a controlled substance, possession of any can you take percocet and xanax together "valium for taking" diazepam without a valid prescription can results in federal felony charges.
Charges of trafficking possession with intent to distribute are brought in cases where an individual is found to be in possession of large quantities of for fun drug e. In addition to federal penalties, many states have enacted their own statutes prohibiting the for fun of diazepam and its possession without a legitimate prescription. These state laws can result in additional legal consequences over and above federal penalties.
Discover how treatment can save your life. As discussed above, the reason that Leo Sternbach and Hoffmann-La Roche first developed BZDs and diazepam in the s was to create sedative, anxiolytic agents that were safer and more effective than the drugs in use at the time, including barbiturates and meprobamate. By many measures, they succeeded in this effort; diazepam treats anxiety how long does alprazolam stay in urine more effectively than barbiturates, has fewer side effects, and is less dangerous to those who overdose on this drug.
Alarmingly, the majority of abusers combine diazepam with other drugs. Such ill-advised combinations can produce fatal results. Whether used alone, or as part of a drug cocktail, the number of emergency room visits resulting from the use of diazepam valium for fun taking other BZDs increased nearly sixfold between andconfirming symptoms of phentermine abuse very real danger inherent in using "taking valium" drugs.
Like all other drug addictions, dependence on diazepam can compel individuals to continue taking the drug despite negative consequences on their personal lives and finances, and attempts to stop on their own can cause addicts to suffer from anxiety, panic, or depression, and may even lead to suicide or other dangerous behaviors. If you have a problem with Valium, help is available. Call Who Answers?
The startling new research makes us question… just how worried should we be about benzos? Diazepam, better known by the trade…. For those seeking taking valium treatment for for fun or a loved for fun, the DrugAbuse. Our helpline is offered at no cost to you and with no obligation to enter into treatment. Neither DrugAbuse. Browse Featured Rehabs. Finding the perfect treatment is only one phone call away! Alarming Facts About Benzos. Related Posts: Pop Quiz: Last updated on December 3, T Boca Recovery Center.
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