
What is the average dose of ambien

Medically reviewed on May 1, The dose may be increased to 10 mg if the 5 mg dose is not effective. The clinical trials in support of efficacy were 4 to 5 weeks in duration.

ambien average is of the what dose

ambien average is of the what dose

What is the average dose of ambien in ' Fibromyalgia Main Forum ' started by lastormerMar average dose, Forum Average of is ambien what dose the in or Sign up. Anyone here on Ambien CR It worked but I knew it was not a good habit to get into. I would love to hear from others on this because the I have a high high tolerance to just about all meds Have a Great Evening Rachael. I did 25mg of Ambien CR for a few weeks, and then even that wouldn't work.

So I started on Lunesta, and I never have gotten habituated on that. I take 3mg Lunesta how does valium compare to xanax 1. Please don't do that its scaring me! If your meds don't work get something else. Who knows what could happen I love you all and please dont ever experiment Ask your doc! I know how desperate for sleep we are, but there are other things to try. THe Ambien Cr did and didn't work for me depending on the night.

Am on to something else but haven't tried yet: I hear trazadone is good ambien sleep too. Depressive drugs can stop you from breathing! Yes, it sounds excessive, what I took. However, I felt like a normal person the next day, without a hangover, on Ambien and Lunesta. I tried a low ambien of Seroquel per my doctor who was concerned about my Ambien use, and it made me feel disembodied and drugged.

I had panic attacks on Ambien and I ate 15 cookies in one sitting. I never had any issues like that on Ambien. Seroquel is for Bi-polar disorders and schizophrenia. I think Ambien is alot less dangerous than that. I forgot to say that Trazadone worked the best of everything for me. It's great if you can take it.

It made me nauseous unfortunately, so I don't take it anymore, but I have 2 friends who have used it very succesfully for FM? Sorry I don't mean to sound rude but Ambien, Lunesta, and other sleep medications are all over the media and have been for close to a year now. These are causing a lot of problems for many people -- such as 'sleep-driving', making phone calls, fixing food and eating while asleep, and even having sex while "what the." For the entire story please see: I had how to make a xanax bar close friend with a severe reaction like mine I simply urge my friends to try something else for sleep California31Mar 16, I alternate between Ambien and Lunesta.

Neither drug is completely effective but they are better than nothing. I will have memory problems young living ambien bomb if I do not sleep for several days in a row. I do not double dose, ever. It is very dangerous to do that with these drugs. I wish somebody would come up with something more effective!

SkyemberrMar 16, My doctor knew that I doubling up on the Ambien. Her point was that eventually it would quit working all together. Ambien became like a sugar pill for me. That's why she tried to switch me to the Seroquel, which was a disaster. My doctor also knows that I take 3mg of Lunesta and 1 and half mg of Klonopin nightly.

I'm NOT advocating overdosing on medication against doctor's directions. And Seroquel and Xyrem, which are being suggested by others, are x more potent and dangerous than Ambien. I just thought that Sorry, jsut worried, sounded like xanax up the bum else didn't ask what is the average dose of ambien doc. I am scared to try the Seroquel, but for some reason I was not scared to try Ambien!

And it didn't work anyway. I am scared to try any new med, as I have always had bad reactions. I tried Lunesta once but maybe didn't give it enough time. PS how much Seroquel did you take? You must log in or sign up to reply here. Your name or email address: Do you No, create an account now. Yes, my password is: