
Use of diazepam during labor

during labor of diazepam use

use of diazepam during labor

Pregnant women should avoid alcohol and tobacco. In addition, they should take no drug or medicine without first consulting their doctors. Illicit drugs can be particularly harmful to a developing baby and may decrease its chance of survival. Illicit drug use by pregnant women can cause serious health problems for the diazepam during labor baby.

Here is a list of some illicit drugs and the effects they can have on a fetus:. If you use drugs, so does your baby. Drugs can affect a baby before and after birth. After a baby is born, drugs can be passed from mother to baby through her xanax beer and weed milk. Cleveland Clinic is a non-profit academic medical center. Advertising on our site helps support our mission. We do not endorse non-Cleveland Clinic products or services.

Avoiding Substance and Drug Abuse. Avoiding Substance and Drug Abuse The effects that various illicit drugs can have on an unborn child are listed. How can illicit drugs harm my labor during Here is benztropine is xanax benzodiazepine withdrawal symptoms list of some illicit drugs and the effects they can have on a fetus: The use of these drugs has been linked to heart defects in babies born to women who used them.

These drugs taken during pregnancy may increase the risk of placental problems tramadol och alkohol effekt well as miscarriage and preterm birth. These babies may also be of low birth weight. Amphetamines are often sold as a street drug, but the blue or yellow klonopin ingredient in amphetamines can be found in many over-the-counter diet pills.

Cocaine use can cause contractions of the uterus, which might lead to bleeding complications or premature labor. Cocaine can cause stillbirth, miscarriage, preterm birth, growth retardation, and birth defects in use. Women who smoke marijuana during during labor pregnancies might have babies with problems, including impaired fetal growth. Marijuana increases the risk diazepam use having "labor during" miscarriage, preterm birth, a baby with low birth weight, developmental delays, diazepam during labor even learning problems.

These smaller babies are more likely to have health problems than are babies born to "during labor" who did not use marijuana. Drugs such as heroin can cause growth problems, premature labor, and a fetal syndrome of narcotic withdrawal after birth. In addition, sudden infant death syndrome SIDS is more likely among babies whose mothers used narcotics during pregnancy. Tranquilizers including Valium have been associated with birth defects.

Mothers who engage in heavy use diazepam during labor pregnancy can also have babies who undergo withdrawal symptoms after birth. Women who sniff fumes during pregnancy may suffer a miscarriage or preterm labor and birth. They can have babies with birth defects including low weight, short height, joint and limb problems, heart defects, and abnormal facial features. Pregnant women who use this drug might have babies with long-term learning and memory problems.

Remember… If you use drugs, so does your baby.