Lorazepam propylene glycol toxicity
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This service is more advanced with JavaScript available, learn more at http: Intensive Care Medicine. We report a does diazepam suppress your appetite of successful lorazepam propylene glycol of propylene glycol toxicity by discontinuation of propylene glycol administration and hemodialysis therapy. A critically ill woman receiving high dose intravenous lorazepam therapy is described. Although propylene glycol toxicity often resolves promptly after discontinuation of the causative parenteral source, renal or liver dysfunction may prolong the sequelae of propylene glycol infusion. Hemodialysis lorazepam propylene glycol lowers propylene glycol serum concentrations in a manner analogous to toxicity therapy for other small toxicity weight alcohol intoxications.
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Toxicity lorazepam propylene glycol
Skip to search form Skip to main content. Relationship of continuous infusion lorazepam to serum propylene glycol concentration in critically ill adults. Save to Library. Create Alert. View Paper.
Propylene glycol 1,2-propanediol is the solvent lorazepam propylene glycol toxicity to deliver lorazepam and diazepam IV. Although propylene glycol toxicity is increasingly recognized and reported, its incidence is unknown. Herein, we describe five MICU patients who acquired severe propylene glycol toxicity due to IV lorazepam or diazepam administration.