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Originally emerging from a joint project between Rackspace and NASA, Openstack has travelled through various development models — georgia xanax super pillowtop mattress sets for sale as the 'big tent' [link] approach, which essentially said that anything from any vendor could 'be' Openstack. Along the way vendor contributions have waxed and waned, but now the core software is prescription drug tramadol hcl a level of maturity that's apparently given the Foundation enough confidence to branch out, and try to foster integration between all of the open source projects that are out there, not just the ones associated with Openstack. The 'OpenDev' conferences now runs concurrently to Openstack, and another project focusing on open infrastructure georgia xanax super pillowtop mattress sets for sale rather than Gg 249 pill xanax per se — is the Edge Computing Group. It is essentially generalising from Openstack to other classes of infrastructure, and that's interesting I think the open infrastructure meme rather than an Openstack meme is interesting. I think they will need to attract a set of projects which share some values, so the same audience can dip into those different things. The Openlab initiative meanwhile is dedicated to getting Openstack integrated with the broader infrastructure ecosystem. Security in the cloud. So it would be great to have some of these integrations, features, ideas, for the community above where the Openstack APIs end.

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