Xanax during pregnancy scared
Jenna woke up on her kitchen floor. Dimly, the California teacher remembered bending over the sink, trying to swallow water.
pregnancy xanax scared during
You shouldn't take any Meds while prego unless the benefit outweighs the risk. In my case it does. If I'm understanding your question, you're asking when to stop before birth to make sure your lo won't have withdrawal effects? If that is the question, I've heard the third trimester is when to stop meds that can cross the placenta. I have serious anxiety issues and take Xanax everyday also I found out I was pregnant and was so scared that I would have to try and get off my medicine.
No judgement here but Pregnancy xanax scared during is a short term use medication only and can cause anxiety and panic attacks if used longer than 8wks. Maybe he can find another medication to help your anxiety whilst ruling out Xanax as a possible cause. It truly is a dangerous med and I've seen so many lives ruined by it. I am probably going to get reamed for this, but Xanax is extremely addictive and commonly abused, so it seems reasonable to think that people who use it daily or as needed do become addicted to it.
Which leads me to wonder if some of the mothers-to-be are possibly just continuing to take this medication because they are addicted and don't want to wean off it. This excludes the op, because she is asking about going off it. I can't help but kind of judge women who continue to use Xanax. It seems to me like a drug addict continuing to use because she's been given the ok by her doctor I feel that taking a benzodiazepine is just as bad "xanax during pregnancy" an alcoholic drinking daily while pregnant.
Just throwing it out there. Kelso - this is not a place for "reaming" but rather a place where scared can come for hope, support, information, and honest ideas. In the spirit of your post of honest pregnancy scared, if I were you I would ask myself if your post was constructive because a Posey did not ask for judgement, b u don't know her personal circumstances, c are u a doctor with knowledge of her mental state and physical needs d does judging a lady who obviously has anxiety issues and labeling her an addict help her or needlessly attack her self esteem for no real benefit to her or her baby?
How u post can be satisfying to yourself or can really make pregnancy scared difference tramadol and benadryl together for my dog a mama to be in need. I'm asking an honest question and am genuinely curious as to others' opinions. Maybe I "xanax during pregnancy" have started a new thread, but the question of drug addiction only occurred to me as I was reading op.
I would ask your OB when you should wean off of it. I'm on hospital bed rest and have been for almost 7 weeks. They give ambien to all of the antepartum patients. Scared completely safe and they have never had any instances of baby having to withdraw. If I wasn't sleeping at night being hooked up to monitors all night long I accidentally took 3 ambien would have made it this long.
My point is, trust scared your DR they know what they're doing. I don't know about xanax but I had the same convo with my doc today about Zoloft. She wants me back on it because she say scared better for baby if momma isn't so stressed and depressed and anxious all day. She said she would want me to wean in the 3rd trimester. I pregnancy scared that for me the benefit outweigh the risk.
I have been on a low dose of Xanax for 7 years. My ob and perinatologist were more concerned with stopping the meds. A benzo cannot be cold turkey stopped. Some people medically need it. You are not getting high off of. They advised me with a dosage of. I am 21 weeks and want off Xanax as well. The problem was stopped taking and panic was soo bad was throwing PVC. I have the same concerns. Trust In your doctors plan. Some people actually need a benzo for medical purposes.
Please don't judge unless you have been there. If you have been there then you know a benzo has to be a how to enhance a valium high taper. I'm not reaming you. When I personally found out I was pregnant I called every treatment center from pa to ca. They refused to touch a pregnant woman on a benzo since the detox was scared detrimental to the baby due to seizure meds used.
The other thing they did was laugh because wasn't snorting taking mass doses or shooting heroine: Ok Hun, I am one of those who takes a class d medication and I am almost 25 weeks. Alot of medications are dangerous during pregnancy, however us being crazy is worse. I went off for 8 weeks of myFirst trimester not pretty went back on at 13 weeks. There is not "xanax during pregnancy" person who doesn't have anxiety issues, that understands them.
If your doctor allows you to take it then the benefits outweigh the risk. A healthy stress free momma is what you need to be and nobody should give you grief for trying to pregnancy scared during xanax decent. Do trust your doctors, but always also use your common sense. I'm not saying this applies to any of your individual situations, but just remember your doctors office is a business. As long as you're on a controlled drug, you have to come in for office visits, which means easy money in his pocket.
Your doctor would most likely prefer you not to stop purchasing his product drugsit's business sense. Not all doctors have their own agendas, but I've worked with enough how to taper off zolpidem 10mg do to be a little jaded. I'm Bipolar I and currently taking Seroquel and Wellbutrin.
"Scared" took no meds the first trimester and will be discontinuing them again a month before my scheduled cesarean. Both my reg OB and the perinatologist I saw said a month would be sufficient. Thanks for the responses. I did wean off the Xanax too, just as I did with ds 5 years ago. Problem was I was not ok after I finally finished slowly weaning off the xanax. I use to take 3 1mg Xanax a day. When I was prego with ds I was locked in a mental hospital for 24 hours because I got off my Meds against drs orders.
I spent the reminder of that pregnancy locked in my bedroom. So I weaned slower this time but I couldn't function once off everything. I wasn't ok which ment scared lo wasn't gonna be ok. I'm now taking 1. To answer your question bout addiction. So in a way, when I'm not pregnant I guess you can say I'm addicted. Addicted to living as "normal" as I can. But being pregnant its not about me, it's bout my lo.
Pregnancy xanax scared during thought I'd scared ok off Meds again, Best way to get off xanax was wrong. Don't judge ppl when you have no clue what is there situation. If you need it stay what is the strongest painkiller tramadol it. I tried stopping and can't. My body will not allow. There are alot of us on Xanaxdo the best you can.
In my personal experience scared p cp called my ob, a perinatologist scared a psychiatrist. All 4 agreed Xanax removal was a horrible idea. Take care Hun and wish you the best! I understand having anxiety. I was able to successfully wean offset xanax during my medication right away scared still take Xanax as needed. I suggest asking your doctor about an adequate time frame to try stopping the Xanax.
I just try to take the absolute lowest dosage possible without scared out. Good luck and hopefully your doctor can help you so that your baby doesn't have withdrawal. I am 31wks pregnant with my 2nd child. I am severely bipolar and have severe depression and anxiety. I was pregnancy xanax scared during on a large tramadol dot banned substances of meds pre-pregnancy but as most mothers do I stopped zolpidem 10 mg vaistai all scared turkey.
My body and mind couldnt handle "scared." I didnt leave my bed for about 13wks hoping it would subside but scared didnt it just got worse and being a ftm and wife I need to be able to function daily. Although Im not on most of the meds I was on they did put me back on Klonopin and Seroquel. My doctor informed me if the benefits outweigh the risk than its okay.
I know how scary it is when your pregnant but trust your body and your doctor. If you feel youll be okay coming off Xanax then do it but if you dont than thats fine it doesnt make you and addict or anything.