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Sex, 08 de Novembro de Wow! I look at a job I hate, my education that has not been used, penrnosal goals not fulfilled, and realize that my brain too has been on infertility. So much so that I took a job I disliked 6 years ago with the soul purpose to work from home waiting for the children to arrive. Working from home has left me a social misfit, has basically alienated me more so feeding the brain on infertility mode. This article has opened my eyes to a lot. Although my brain on infertility mode has improved my physical health have taken much better care of myself thru weight loss, exercise, and healthy eating my mental health needs to grow in a more positive direction. I need to focus on my goals as time is ticking away. However that will have to wait once again until the upcoming donor cycle passes with many office visits, physical symptoms, side effects of medication, etc. Is it possible to work on career goals when what all it takes to get pregnant and stay pregnant for me also equals the less than desired employee?

In the journal PLOS One, researchers reveal that women who had more children had longer telomeres than women who had fewer children. Telomeres are caps at the end of each DNA strand that protect our chromosomes - thread-like structures that contain all our genetic information - from damage. Each time a cell replicates, telomeres become shorter.

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