
Known phentermine problems occurring

Skip Navigation. The information contained in the Truven Health Analytics Inc. All treatments or procedures are intended to serve as an information resource for physicians or other competent healthcare known phentermine problems occurring performing the consultation or evaluation of patients and must be interpreted in view of all attendant circumstances, indications and contraindications. The use of the Truven Health Analytics Inc. These products are provided "as is" and known phentermine problems occurring available" for use, without warranties of any kind, either express or implied. Truven Health Analytics Inc. All implied warranties of merchantability and can tramadol lower temperature for a particular purpose or use are hereby excluded.

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Phentermine hydrochloride affects the cardiovascular system in much the same way that fear, excitement and anger do. Essentially an amphetamine, phentermine "known phentermine problems occurring" the part of the central nervous system that regulates the heart and blood pressure. Physicians prescribe phentermine hydrochloride as part of a weight-loss program because of its ability to increase metabolism and suppress the appetite.

known phentermine problems occurring

Medically reviewed by C. Fookes, BPharm. Last updated on Sep 14,

Medically reviewed by L. Anderson, PharmD. Last updated on Oct 21, Side effects with weight loss drugs can vary depending upon the type of drug you take and how the drug works. Stimulants-type drugs like phentermine can lead to insomnia, increased blood pressure, fast heart rate, restlessness, drug dependence and abuse, and withdrawal symptoms. Drugs that interfere with fat absorption, such as orlistat Alli , can lead to oily spotting, gas, and soft stools. Diet pills that affect neurotransmitters in the brain, such as Belviq lorcaserin or Contrave bupropion and naltrexone can be linked with headache, nausea and vomiting, constipation, dry mouth, and dizziness. Many stimulant-type weight loss medications like phentermine or diethylpropion are only recommended for short-term use up to 12 weeks due to risk of dependence and other side effects. However, orlistat Alli, Xenical can be used for longer-term weight loss, including the maintenance of previously lost weight.

Study record managers: Phentermine, an amphetamine congener, is the most widely used anti-obesity drug in the U. Although phentermine is the agent-of-choice among physicians specializing in obesity treatment, the use of this drug for obesity treatment by other physicians has long been curtailed because misapprehensions regarding phentermine safety. Concerns of phentermine-induced adverse cardiovascular reactions and of phentermine-induced addiction are two fears that have had a profound negative impact on phentermine prescribing. Although warnings of high incidence rates of adverse cardiovascular and psychiatric effects are included in FDA labeling and are often repeated in published reviews, the few clinical reports in the peer-reviewed medical literature of such adverse effects are anecdotal. Fear of phentermine adverse effects does not inhibit the use of phentermine by obesity treatment specialists.

Phentermine is only part of a complete program of treatment that may also include diet, exercise, and weight control. Follow your diet, medication, and exercise routines very closely.

known phentermine problems occurring

known phentermine problems occurring

Patients taking phentermine long-term to treat obesity don't have to worry about withdrawal when they come off known phentermine problems occurring, researchers found. Phentermine, a common diet drug that has been on the U. It's often prescribed long-term to help patients lose weight. Given its similarity to the stimulant amphetamine, some researchers have suspected that phentermine may also lead to withdrawal once xanax weight gain side effects stopped. To test that hypothesis, Hendricks and colleagues assessed 76 patients who'd been treated with phentermine for a median 8. Patients were given a question Amphetamine Withdrawal Questionnaire modified for phentermine while problems known occurring phentermine were taking the drug, and then again for the next 2 days when the drug was withheld. Overall, total scores were significantly different across the 3 days, ranging from 3. But only the hyperphagia score was significantly different across groups, rising from 0. Hendricks and colleagues noted that these scores are far lower known phentermine scores achieved on the problems occurring withdrawal questionnaire.

What Is Phentermine Adipex-P? BasicDescription Back to Top. Phentermine Side Effects.

Phentermine hydrochloride affects the cardiovascular known phentermine problems in much the same way that fear, excitement and anger do. Essentially an amphetamine, phentermine stimulates the part of the central nervous system that regulates the heart and blood occurring. Physicians prescribe phentermine hydrochloride as part of a weight-loss program because of its ability to increase metabolism and suppress the appetite.