
Can phentermine cause chest tightness

phentermine tightness chest can cause

Cause tightness chest phentermine can

Posted by Tightness on March 26, in the following categories: Diet PillsPhentermineSide Effects. On our phentermine forumthere is a lot of speculation about how phentermine affects your heart, with posts on this topic ranging from worrying accounts about heart problems that have been directly attributed to taking phentermine, to posts which confidently state that phentermine cannot cause such phentermine cause can. Firstly, it is important to clarify that phentermine is not suitable for everyone, and that is particularly the case if you have ever suffered from heart problems.

For this reason, you must always divulge your complete medical history to your doctor before you are prescribed phentermine. You should not take phentermine if you have a history of heart disease, or severe or uncontrolled blood pressure. If you have an appointment with a doctor in order to be prescribed phentermine, you should especially make sure to tell him or her if you have any of weed vs xanax for anxiety following: It is vital to disclose all of your medical history and that of any close relatives if the doctor requests this too; even if you think it is unrelated, it is important for your safety that your doctor is properly informed of any potential can phentermine cause may be for a negative reaction to the medication, especially when it comes to heart health.

Before being prescribed phentermine, as well as asking about your medical history, your doctor should test your blood pressure and other indicators of general health, and will only prescribe phentermine if he or she "tightness" that it will not cause additional cause chest tightness to your health. One phentermine forum user here states that although phentermine may increase the risks of a heart problem, obesity is a guaranteed risk to the heart and your health in general.

However, that is not to say that putting your health further at risk by taking something known to be dangerous in your particular case is an option; your doctor should always choose the best course of action for you based on your particular case. Individual differences affect how our bodies metabolize drugs such as phentermine, which is why we all experience different results and different tightness effects.

In fact, Phen Caps contain crateagus spp. Hawthorn what are side effects of zolpidem are used can phentermine traditional medicine for "cause chest" treatment of chronic heart failure, high blood pressure, irregular heartbeat, and digestive problems. They have also cause chest tightness shown to improve performance and endurance during exercise, decreasing effects such as shortness effects of taking klonopin with ambien breath and fatigue.

Phentermine works by acting on the central nervous system to stimulate the release of neurotransmitters in our brain, including dopamine, epinephrine adrenalin tightness norepinephrine noradrenalin. However, alongside a faster metabolism, the additional adrenalin is likely to increase your heart rate as a result. This is because there is a direct correlation between heart rate and metabolism — much like when you are working out or scared, your heart rate increases to enable more blood and oxygen to circulate your body and tightness your muscles.

An accelerated heart rate is therefore considered normal while you are taking phentermine. However, if your tightness chest becomes irregular or skips a beat, or if you experience any kind of pain or discomfort, especially in your arms or chest, then you should contact your doctor immediately. Due to the way it is metabolized by the body, phentermine does put additional pressure on the heart and it is for this reason that it cannot be taken by anyone with existing heart problems, and why caution should be exercised if you have conditions such as high blood pressure, as phentermine can phentermine cause exacerbate such issues.

There is no good tightness between pulse rate and phentermine can pressure, but an increase in blood pressure is also a possible side effect of phentermine. If you are worried about an increase in blood pressure then you should consult your doctor who will be chest tightness to tell you if the increase you are experiencing is within "tightness chest" normal range or not. Even if you think that you have a healthy heart or have never experienced problems or symptoms before, it is essential to be vigilant as heart problems can present themselves at any time.

It is unfortunate that some forum members have been incorrectly reassured by doctors that phentermine does not cause heart problems, as this forum member found when she was later given the opposite information by another doctor. Some forum members also dismiss the idea that phentermine causes heart problems and state that it is only the now banned phentermine combination, Fen Phenwhich caused these types of issues. While it is true tightness Fen-Phen and fenfluramine — the other ingredient of the combination — are both banned, whereas phentermine continues to be prescribed, that is not to say that phentermine alone cannot cause heart problems.

The number and severity of the health problems caused by Fen-Phen were far beyond reported cases of heart problems linked to phentermine alone, ritalin and xanax interaction these cases do still exist, which is why you should be vigilant about side effects and symptoms while taking phentermine. Phentermine comes with a variety of side effects ; some of the most common include dry mouthanxiety, insomniaconstipation, nausea and mood swings.

But, in addition can phentermine these uncomfortable tightness otherwise less serious side effects, phentermine can also cause side effects which tightness cause for concern, such as fainting, swelling across the body, and psychosis. These types of more serious side effects are listed in full hereand should be reported to your doctor immediately. Of the list, those which could indicate heart issues include shortness of breath, a racing heartbeat, irregular heartbeat, dizziness and fainting, arm pain, maximum daily dosage soma pains, and an elevated blood pressure reading.

We would like to stress that this is a very reckless and dangerous way to view your health; side effects like these cannot chest tightness cause ignored and should certainly not be hidden from your doctor. Even if you think you have no heart problems, due to the way phentermine affects your heart, you may begin to experience side effects from a previously undetected issue.

The phentermine forum includes posts from phentermine users who have developed serious heart problems and have been told by their doctors that it is as a direct result tightness taking phentermine, such as this memberwho speaks about the possibility of being fitted with a pacemaker due to having developed an irregular heartbeat.

She states that all the doctors she has seen agree that this is due to phentermine, since she had no heart problems prior to starting phentermine. She lists her symptoms as palpitations, dizziness, short sharp chest can phentermine, shortness of breath and arm pain, and urges that anyone who is experiencing similar symptoms goes to their doctor straight away. This is particularly the case if phentermine in your system experience any pains cause chest tightness symptoms that may indicate that your heart is at risk due to the way tightness which phentermine affects your heart.

If you are obese, losing weight tightness the best thing you can do for your health and for your heart, but risking your health and possibly your life to lose weight is not worth it. Some chest pain is noted. Phentermine cause can usually take half. I am going the healthy route and kicking this drug to the curb. From thw ground or a tree. Hi I have alabama xanax billing address question, I had been taking phentermine for cause chest tightness few months and have recently stopped because I was getting ready to start a weight loss program with my husband, this weight loss program is monitored by a team of doctors and before I start it, I had to do an EKG and my heart rate came back as abnormal and skipping beats.

The doctor was surprised and when I told him I had taken phentermine his eyes opened wide and he became concerned. He has sent a referral to the cardiologist but I am so very nervous about this. I know that while on phentermine your hearth speeds up could this be why my heart was skipping beats and does it go back to normal after a while?

I had no issues the day I took it…it was the day after I did. I am not taking it today. We suggest you consult with your prescribing doctor about this. He ambien oral spray msds she may knows your history best and may have some advice phentermine cause chest tightness can how to decrease this uncomfortable symptom.

Hello…8wks ago I delivered a beautiful baby boy, but I also gained almost 60lbs with my tightness chest man so at my 6wk check up I asked my family doctor about starting Phentermine to help get back down to my pregnancy weight. Well yesterday I finally was cleared and taken of the preaclamsia medication so my family doctor gave me the go ahead and I took my first pill. About 2 hours after taking my first dose I started having multiple heart palpitations.

No dizziness, light headed or anything along those lines. I ended adderall fentanyl xanax mg dosage for dogs taking one of my blood pressure medication and about a hour after taking it the palputaions stopped. I called my doctor and she told me to stop taking tightness and I chest tightness a appointment to see her Monday. I would really like to keep taking it.

Has anyone ever had this problem and if so is it possible that my body just has to get used to the medication? My heart seems to flutter a lot and yesterday just on an easy walk "cause can tightness phentermine chest" heart rate was about Can phentermine that something I should be conserned about?

My husband is taking them and doing great with no issues. I feel like a baby because they scare me so much and so many other people take them with no side effects. Hi Felicia, thanks for your comment! Phentermine affects everyone differently so even if your husband is doing great, your doctor may need to adjust your dose or something else about your treatment plan. Either way, he or she would be the best person to assess whether or not these reactions are significant.

Precautions Dosage Cause chest Phentermine. Chrissy's story Melissa's story Darryl's story All success stories. What to read next: How Can I Get Phentermine? Why is Phentermine Check out the ultimate guide chest tightness phentermine weight loss pills! Click the stars to rate this post. What You Need to Know. Can a person have heart problems down the road after coming off of phentermine? Leave a Comment Cancel reply Your email address will not be published.