
5mg valium to get high

5mg valium to get high

5mg valium to get high

Was given it before minor surgery. Nice buzz high get it and all your problems go a way. There is a sense of pennsylvania law tramadol 50mg. It is very similar in some ways to drinking alcohol. In fact, it does chemically very similar things to "get high" nerves as alcohol, except that alcohol acts along the entire axon.

I haven't taken the drug Valium, but some time ago I took valerian for awhile. Valium is the synthetic get high of valerian, which is an herbal product that is widely available in drugstores, health food stores and other supermarkets without a prescription. It is a tranquilizer with a get high of a euphoric effect, and pretty sedating. It was often used as a sleep aid before the age get high synthetic sleeping pills.

You can develop get high dependancy to it if you use it too much. In high school I was friends with a girl who worked at a pharmacy. She gave me valium 10s and 5s for Christmas! Much later I had great insurance for alcoholism treatment. They gave 10s to prevent DTs and stepped me down through the detox until I was stuck with 2s. After that, the real treatment began. Valium can best be described as "nom nom nom". Perfect for Icanhazcheeseburger or Martha Stewart Living.

Valium is NOT synthetic valerian, R3, you idiot. Go back to the dried out old crones at the local root and vitamin store and stop talking about thinks you valium 5mg know. Is there a "high" in Valium? I've got about pills sitting in my medicine cabinet from various prescriptions over the past couple years, but it makes me feel dizzy and sick. It also makes you constipated.

I refuse to get high them, even in extreme pain. It just doesn't give me a good feeling, and I think I get nervous also because I know people get addicted to them, maybe that's why I won't take them - like it's psychological or something. Valerian I have taken before. Don't really like that either. It does have a sleep effect though, but it gives you weird dreams and a weird taste in your mouth.

I don't think it's the same thing as Valium, or the herbal equivalent. But it doesn't make me feel sick like Valium. Is it better than Xanax for anxiety? High get makes me a little sleepy, but it doesn't do much for my stressed out mind. OK R9, I oversimplified the point. Valium is not tramadol suppositories for migraine relief synthetic replica of the chemical profile of valerian. It is an analog of valerian because it works in a markedly similar fashion by increasing the amount of gamma aminobutyric acid in the brain.

But valerian is a much safer alternative, and it is not nearly as addictive. Some sources claim it is not at all addictive, but I would treat that cautiously. I have a dozen Xanax pills left and I don't even want to use them. I'll ask my doc to prescribe Valium for my neverfuckingending anxiety. I have 3mg of Ativan to take Thursday morning in advance of getting a tooth pulled. Valium diazepam is one of the longer-acting, less specific benzodiazepines, meaning that it is not as selective in action as some of the newer drugs like Xanax alprazolam.

A 10 mg dose is generally given for a 24 hour period--this is a mid-range dose. There is debate as to whether the older benzos like valium and librium chlorodiazeproxide or the newer ones like Xanax and Klonopin have a higher addictive potential. Valium is get high likely to create an experience of euphoria because it triggers more GABA receptors ; however, takers do not keep popping more and more of them because it has such a long half-life.

I have taken it for a one month period while my dissertation was being reviewed and finished. I had no problems, withdrawal symptoms, etc. Do you have any specific questions about it? R17, it is commonly available in capsules and as a tincture. I used to take the tincture. Capsules and tincture should be found in any health food store. Capsules are probably all you're likely to find in a drugstore or supermarket.

Follow the recommended dose, then adjust as needed. You might also find the bulk herb a dried root, really how much is phentermine 37.5mg at cvs before the thread police jump on me for that or tea versions, but the plant has a powerful odor that most people dislike. To say that "Valium is can 10 xanax kill you synthetic form of valerian," is certainly a simplification of "Valium is a synthetic compound that is an analog of valerian.

I'll look for the capsules. My mom needs something for anxiety as well, and this may be better than going to the doctor for a prescription. Slightly relaxing and pleasant for me, nothing more, similar to xanax, but like most medications I suspect it affects different people quite differently. If youever consider taking Valerian, take a good smel of the pills. That's what you will smell like within days of taking it. It might mellow you out but you smell like garbage thats been sitting in full summer sun for a week.

The problems don't go away, but I am able to see that there are answers to my problems and they are with in my grasp. John's Wort, is tramadol 50mg stronger than hydrocodone without going to at least a naturopath. If your mother is on other drugs, know that interactions between herbs and drugs can be fatal and are most likely most often missed as root causes. For instance, a lot of St. John's Wort with a strong dose of an selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor SSRI or a Tricyclic especially can generic names for lorazepam in serotonin syndrome, which manifests as high blood pressure and temperature, rapid heart beat, and potentially get high failure and death.

I never noticed that, R And friends that would certainly never be shy about telling me never mentioned anything either. I have taken Valium for anxiety. I usually take 5mg per dose, maybe twice per day. It get high me a bit drowsy and kind of stoned-feeling. Why would you berate someone for making a mistake, and then kick him down when he essentially concedes his error and tries to save face?

Valium always made me feel a lot more loopy than Xanax does. Xanax takes the edge off my anxiety but I can still function. I am not kidding, it's putrid-smelling. Like rancid socks, smegma and old vomit. Bf took it for a while and that stench just permeated the place get high time he opened the bottle. Not exactly romance-inducing before bedtime. Valerian itself does stink, but it shouldn't necessarily make you stink.

Everyone's body is different. Some people are just more prone to having body odor than others. If you take it on occasion and stay well hydrated at least 2 liters of water per dayI don't see why you should stink at all. For that one ding-dong who jumped all over the guy who said Valium it is a sythetic form of valerian - grow up. My mom is a chemist and years 5mg valium told me that you can get similar results although to a lesser degree from valerian root.

YOU Do your research before you start jumping all over someone else. Geez people are rude. Especially if you let the bottle sit for a while before can i take tramadol for dogs it, when you finally crack the lid, this "dirty, sweaty, butt crack smell comes out". You gotta hold your nose to take it and swallow it with JUICE only - no water - no milk, and no soda - the odor makes the taste so foul, juice is the only thing that really washes it down.

Get high once it is down, honey, it is down. YOu said you will smell like old garbage after taking it for a few days and that high get ridiculous. Just exactly what are you saying smells like garbage on you after a few days? That is like saying if you eat bananas for a few days, your skin will start to smell like bananas. Or if you eat steak you will sweat a "meat smell" after six days.

Get high valium and alcohol side effects doesn't smell bad, if you have gas afterwards, it doesn't smell like Valerian - it is digested in full, and that is that. Quit scaring people by making them think they are going to smell like garbage. My husband also took it for years with no problems - several other family members, and many friends - and your ANONYMOUS post is the first one I have ever read where someone claimed that a "get high" supplement you could take could make your skin and body and hair smell like six day old piles of garbage.

That is just weird. If you'd bothered to read the first few posts of this thread, you'd have learned at R3 that Vallium is the synthetic form of Valerian. You don't have to take Valerian and smell like garbage, because in the synthetic version they've gotten the smell out for you. Nothing dangerous about that. Valium aka Diazepam was the second benzodiazepine to be invented by Dr.