
Can soma cause weight gain

The most popular drugs used as muscle relaxants are carisoprodol Soma and cyclobenzaprine Flexeril. This combination even has its own nickname:

Gain weight can cause soma

can soma cause weight gain

Carisoprodol Soma also known as Soprodal and Vanadom. Soma is a compound of carisoprodol with codeine and aspirin containing Aspirin, Carisoprodol, and Codeine. Chemistry- Can soma cause weight gain, carisoprodol is N-isopropylmethylpropyl-1, 3-propanediol dicarbamate and the molecular formula is C12H24N2O4, with a molecular weight of Soluble in alcohol, chloroform and acetone.

Hair loss, or alopeciacan soma cause weight gain a condition both men and women may experience during their lives as a result of health-related issues, genetics, and medications. Some forms of hair loss are temporary, while others, like pattern baldnessare permanent. Hair loss is a common side effect of many medications. Two kinds of hair loss may occur. One is telogen effluviumor short-term, temporary hair loss. Another type of hair clonazepam combined with alprazolam often caused by medications is anagen effluvium.

Soma, an FDA approved short-term muscle relaxant is used to treat muscle pain and discomfort. Carisoprodol is the generic form of this prescription drug soma and it belongs to muscle relaxant group of drugs. In general, this can soma cause weight gain is taken to relieve muscle pain and the consumption of the drug must be accompanied by proper rest. Among the other muscle accidentally took 2 zolpidem group of drugs generic soma or carisoprodol causes extreme drowsiness and has great abuse potential.

Those drug ads really try hard to reel you in—and they work! The way we see it, "can soma cause weight gain" it comes to choosing safe, effective drugs, most of us are at a huge disadvantage. But keep in mind that health care providers are the targets of a whole different set of promotions. Drug companies spend billions each year pushing prescription drugs to the medical community. They advertise 60 mg adderall xr 2 mg klonopin high medical journals and can soma cause weight gain continuing-ed programs. Pharmaceutical reps call on doctors in person, with drug samples and other freebies. And some doctors are paid huge fees to act as representatives of drug companies at conferences. For a decade now, Consumer Reports Best Buy Drugshas been cutting through the noise of drug promotions with its unbiased evaluations of medications.

Weight gain is found among people who take How does xanax affect your behavior, especially for people who are female, oldhave been taking the drug for 2 - 5 years, also take medication Lyrica, and have Depression. This study is created by eHealthMe based can soma cause weight gain reports of 12, people who have side effects when taking Soma from FDA, and is updated regularly. How to use this study: On eHealthMe, you can research drugs and monitor them see testimonials. Among them, people 3.

Soma is a prescription, brand-name medication can soma cause weight gain sold under the generic name carisoprodol. It is prescribed for short-term use for the treatment of muscle spasms and pain associated with injury. It is also considered to be a drug of abuse and may be addictive.

I did not gain any weight on it. If you take it a few times a day it may make you tired, slow you down a bit, hence weight gain. If you get excersice sp regularly you probably won't gain any weight on this med. But do be careful on this stuff, it affects ones heart. Best wishes to you "Can soma cause weight gain." Still looking for answers?

I did not gain any weight on it. If you take it a few times a day "can soma cause weight gain" may make you tired, slow you down a bit, hence weight gain. If you get excersice sp regularly you probably won't gain any weight on this med. But do be careful on this stuff, it affects ones heart. Best wishes to you Emily. Still looking for answers? Green alprazolam 1 mg searching for what you seek or ask your own question. Sign In or Register.