Long term side effects of taking klonopin
The effects of long-term benzodiazepine use include drug dependence and neurotoxicity as well as the possibility of adverse effects on cognitive function, physical health, and mental health. Most of the problems associated with benzodiazepines result from their long-term use. There are significant physical, mental and social risks associated with the long-term use of benzodiazepines. Some of the symptoms that could possibly occur as a result of a withdrawal from benzodiazepines after long-term use include emotional clouding, [1] flu-like symptoms, [4] suicide[7] nauseaheadachesdizzinessirritabilitylethargysleep problems, memory impairmentpersonality changes, effects of diazepam on brain taking klonopin, depressionsocial deterioration as well as employment difficulties, while others never have any side effects long term long-term benzodiazepine use. One should never abruptly stop using this medicine and should side effects themself down to a lower dose under doctor supervision. In addition, benzodiazepines have reinforcing properties taking klonopin some individuals and thus are considered to be addictive drugs, especially in individuals that have a "drug-seeking" behavior; further, a physical dependence can develop after a few weeks or months of use. Other concerns about the effects of long-term benzodiazepine use, in some, include taking klonopin escalation, benzodiazepine abusetolerance and benzodiazepine dependence and benzodiazepine withdrawal problems.
Klonopin is often prescribed for anxiety and seizures. However, the drug can potentially have negative side effects. The side effects of Clonazepam "long term side effects of taking klonopin" affect an individual both physically and psychologically. Furthermore, Clonazepam effects can both short term and long term. This article aims to help you identify Klonopin side effects and how to get the best medical assistance to deal with them. Find the best treatment options. Call our free and confidential helpline.
We all want to find moments of peace. We want to balance our busy, hectic, and even stressful lives with relaxation.
At Mount Regis Center, we offer an intensive, evidence based approach to klonopin use disorder treatment. We offer a variety of therapeutic interventions that help our clients build a strong foundation for long-term recovery. Klonopin, also known as clonazepam, is a benzodiazepine drug that has sedative, hypnotic, anxiolytic, anticonvulsant, and muscle relaxant properties. These drugs act upon the central nervous system of the body and are fast acting, long-term agents with effects lasting up to four hours.
Klonopin can have short-term therapeutic benefits when taken as prescribed. In general, long-term use is not advised because of the high risk for developing tolerance, dependence, and addiction. It is dangerous to use Klonopin without a prescription from a physician. People who abuse the drug without a prescription, or have a prescription but abuse it, may be at risk of addiction and health risks. Combining the medication with prescription pain medicines, over-the-counter cold and allergy medications, alcohol, and other sedatives can lead to overdose and possibly death. Addiction to Klonopin can lead to problems with relationships, employment, and both mental and physical health.
Benzodiazepines can affect memory, making it difficulty for patients to remember new information or recall stored information. A serious long-term effect of benzodiazepines is depression. Personality changes such as aggression and irritability, emotional clouding, lethargy and sleep problems are also common. The long-term effects of benzodiazepines can impair users' mobility. Users may have muscle weakness, which can affect how easily they move. Benzodiazepine users may also have a lack of coordination, causing them to fall easily. Some benzodiazepine users may start feeling ill after long-term use of the drug or develop headaches. Women who use benzodiazepines may have menstrual problems, such as bleeding in between periods or changes in menstrual flow.
long term side effects of taking klonopin
Seeking addiction treatment can feel overwhelming. We know the struggle, which is why we're uniquely qualified to help. Your call is confidential, and there's no pressure to commit long term side effects of taking klonopin treatment until you're ready. As a voluntary facility, we're here to help you heal -- on your terms. Our sole focus is getting you back to the healthy, sober life you deserve, and we are ready and waiting to answer your questions or concerns.
Clonazepam belongs to a group of drugs called benzodiazepines. Benzodiazepines are medications that help relieve nervousness, tension, symptoms of anxiety, and some types of seizures by slowing the central nervous system.