
Natural alternatives to ambien

Ambien natural alternatives to ambien a sedative-hypnotic that is indicated for the treatment of sleep problems, such as insomnia. Ambien is the brand name but the active generic drug in its formulation is zolpidem. In the public eye, Ambien may be less known for its therapeutic effects than its sometimes bizarre side effects.

Ambien to natural alternatives

to ambien alternatives natural

Insomnia is a very common problem. Inan estimated 6 to 10 percent of the U. But a review of the health records of more than 10, patients ambien used hypnotics to help is xanax considered a beta blocker sleep, compared to the health of more than 23, people of roughly the same age and overall health, showed the odds of dying from any cause was notably higher in the are soma 350 mg strong that used sleeping pills.

This was true even for people can klonopin stop panic attacks used them infrequently, according to the February study published in the BMJ. The higher the drug use, the greater the risk. For people taking one to 18 doses per year, mortality was 3. For those taking more than doses per year, the risk was 5. The researchers could not ambien the drugs directly caused increased death rates.

However, other studies have shown insomnia by itself does not produce the same increase in deaths. Also, while ambien drugs increase sleep time by an average of about 25 minutesthey do not improve wakefulness or performance the next day. One study found a 60 to 80 percent increased risk of car accidents in people using sleeping pills. They also increase incidence of falls and can worsen fatigue. The lead researcher in many of these studies, Dr.

Poor sleep can have many causes, which often can be treated naturally. It ambien is helpful to begin with lifestyle changes. Simple things such as reducing caffeine use after 3 p. Relaxation practice sounds great, but it can be surprisingly difficult to do in our overly busy, overstimulated world. Pain interferes with sleep for many people. There are natural ways to treat pain, which are far safer than the usual drugs.

These include manipulation, massage and other types of bodywork; acupuncture; and anti-inflammatory herbs, such as willow bark or boswellia. Blood sugar problems ambien interfere with sleep, alternatives natural the person to wake after a few ambien because of falling blood sugar. The best way to address this is to avoid excessive carbohydrates, especially sugar. Some patients are helped by a high-protein snack before bed.

A very common cause of poor sleep is adrenal fatigue. When they are not doing their job, the person often is tired during the day but cannot sleep well at night. Included in this problem is the inability to shut off the incessant ambien machine when we want it to stop. This problem is best treated with a two-pronged approach: As with any non-emergency health problem, insomnia is best treated naturally, if possible.

Sleeping pills work somewhat, but if you read the warning labels and side effects, they just might be enough to keep you up at night. Michael Noonan practices ambien, chiropractic acupuncture and other wellness therapies in Old Town. He can be reached at noonanchiropractic gmail. Want to know more? Send us ideas for follow-up stories. A recent study says nearly one "natural alternatives" five college students may suffer from "exploding head syndrome," a psychological condition in which people are abruptly awakened from sleep by imaginary loud noises or blasts.

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