
Take klonopin to sleep fast

to take fast klonopin sleep

Sleep to fast klonopin take

I have just been prescribed Clomazepam as a sleep aid to be sleep fast daily to sleep fast Lunesta which I became tolerant to. Do you think this is a good substitute? Right take klonopin, when I go to bed with Clomazepam and Lunesta at a lower doseit's lights out. I wake up once take klonopin the night but I'm right back to sleep within an hour. Yes, clonazepam is a good medication to help you sleep at night. While you may become dependent on it as with any benzodiazepine, taken as directed it is a good alternative to Lunesta.

Unfortunately over much time, you can become tolerant to the clonazepam too. I wouldn't worry sleep fast that at this time though. Laurie, If I become tolerant to Clonazepam, they can increase the dose to can you drive after taking diazepam, correct? Also, do you know of anyone that has taken it daily with much success? Yes, the doctor can increase the dose if you become tolerant. I have not taken clonazepam for sleep only for anxiety.

I can't recommend anyone to you, sorry. It how many valium for sleep been years since I took clonazepam. I don't sleep fast remember the progression of the dosage that I was on. You may have to wait for others to answer your question to get more advice, sorry. "Sleep to fast klonopin take" of your information is incorrect. Why are you answering questions that you have no knowledge about? You absolutely do not sleep fast tolerant with klonopin.

You also do not really become dependent except in the sense that anything you xanax with a v regularly for sleep will likely sleep fast you problems for a few days once you quit—even Benadryl. I feel really sorry that you likely scared this person away because you enjoy the facade of knowledgeability.

I take klonopin 1 mg 3 times fast day Lunesta sleep Carvidal 6. I'm tired and never really sleep good. Sequel works great but the weight gain horrible can't rake. I have been taking clonazepam for a while now for anxiety. I am suppose to take it 3 times daily, but only use it for sleep. It can be increased if it stops being effective. What dose are you on? It has worked great can you take tramadol for suboxone withdrawal sleep, but Klonopin makes me a bit depressed.

No other benzo has caused this with me. When I tried to not take any, I had severe insomnia. Be careful on the stuff, as clonazepam is very fast sleep acting and strong. I have personally been taking Clonazepam Klonopin for about two 2 years. As I now know that I have suffered from severe anxiety for the vast majority of my life I am now 48 years old, but--through counseling--I realize that I've had anxiety issues since I was a kidmy general practitioner prescribed it for me initially to sleep me sleep.

As a matter of fact, I came to my doctor about insomnia, which I had suffered through for at least 10 years. I had tried every OTC medication I could find, and they either didn't work; would sleep fast me to fall asleep, but I couldn't stay asleep for more than a couple of hours; or they would make me very, very tired, but still the sweet relief of sleep would never come I'd just be more exhausted than I already was.

When Take klonopin began feeling the very pronounced effects of near-daily exhaustion and I klonopin take worrying about my physical health, I finally broke down and saw my doctor. She tried three prescription meds not all at once, of course: Of course, there was the warning that you may sleep walk, sleep eat, sleep drive, etc. But, eventually even the Ambien Sleep fast began to become less sleep fast less effective.

The rest of my body would be ready for sweet dreams, and most nights I felt sleepy, but my racing thoughts at night thinking about the day I had and what I was coming up the next day, and worrying about this thing or that wouldn't allow my body to "close the deal" where sleep was concerned. I told her that I just needed to make my brain "shut up" and sleep SinceI've taken 1 mg nearly every night once my body is ready for sleepand it's as if the Clonazepam just nudges me over take klonopin edge into the Land of Nod.

It tramadol contraindications kidney transplant surgery as been such a help to me, and--though it's a long sleep, and this post is already long enough--when I began seeing a psychologist for depression, I told her this story and said can i take tramadol with gastritis her that my what does tramadol do for pain life was nothing to write home about, but it was better than "take klonopin" nights when I just couldn't sleep.

I klonopin take that when I first went to see my psychologist everything was reversed, and that the BEST part of my day was at night because, thanks to the Clonazepam, I easily sleep my 8 hours--and while I am SOMEWHAT of a light sleeper, even that has improved--and most times I sleep all through the night. Long story, I know, but the bottom line for me is that I take 1 mg of Clonazepam around mid-morning to help with my anxiety, and then 1 mg at night to help me sleep, and in these 2 years, I haven't found that I've developed a tolerance to Clonazepam YETand I've been on the same dosage 1 mg the whole time.

I realize that my situation is mostly likely not the same situation for most people with insomnia or other sleeping problems, but Clonazepam has been a true "miracle drug" for me. My General Practitioner, my Psychologist, and NOW my Psychiatrist are all aware that I've been taking Clonazepam all this time, sleep fast they have never suggested I stop using it, because they can see sleep fast my General Practitioner--who has been my doctor for over a decade the difference in me now.

I just wanted to share--for the first time in writing--how much it has helped me--whether asleep OR awake! I just started talking Clonazepam now for 3 days and I have fallen asleep within 30 minutes and have actually had dreams and slept through the night. I have tried dozen of meds and I am really hoping this is the one and only. My GP added Klonopin 0. I've been on it ever since.

I am suppose to take 1 in morning and 2 at night for sleeping. I only take it now if I feel I "fast sleep" it. But yes it is very good for night time resting. I'm glad I read your post, maybe I have a tolerance to it now because I've been on so long. I would like to somehow stop this medication as I am on a lot of others now due to my Bipolar.

So yes I think it's good. Fast have been taking clonazepam for 21 years. Started out on 1 mg for sleep, and for Tardive Dyskenisia. Especially any drug for so-called paranoia or fast sleep. The brain does get used to sleep fast, and take klonopin over time does have to be increased. I have functioned fairly well on clonazepam for 21 years. Been able to work and live a productive life. I now take 2 mg of the drug for sleep and my movement disorder, T.

I may need to increase my dosage as the receptors in the. Psychiatric drugs bring on a whole host of problems in life All of us are different. Ideally it is best to never see a psychiatrist Talking therapy in the Long Term has no side effects or damage. It made me feel awful. My doctor put me on Clonazepam purely for sleep. I was originally given 1 mg, took it "sleep fast" about 4 years. After realizing my dad was on. In the last few months, I've found that.

I take it at bedtime. I don't get any sleep that night; but the next night is perfect! I sure don't mind sacrificing sleep one night a "take klonopin" when the rest of the nights are good, sound sleep. Please consult your pharmacist before changing your dosage amount as there may be serious withdrawal systems. I reduced mine very slowly. Skipping one night a month wont stop dependency. The fact that you csnt sleep without it is a red flag.

Of course you're going to sleep after a night of no sleep. You need to educate yourself on Benzo dependency. Still looking for answers? Try searching for what you seek or ask your own question. Fast sleep In or Register. By clicking Subscribe, I agree to the Drugs. The easiest way to lookup drug information, identify pills, check interactions and set up your own personal medication records. Available for Android and iOS devices.

Subscribe to receive email notifications whenever new articles are published. This material is provided for fast purposes only and is not intended for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. To view content sources and attributions, please refer to our editorial policy. We comply with the HONcode standard for trustworthy health information - verify here. Can you take Clonazepam Daily as a Sleep Aid for long term?

Asked 9 Apr by decdogluvr Updated 5 October 12 fast ago Topics lunestainsomniasleep disordersclonazepamsleep Details:. Answer this Question Report Favorite.