Is xanax good for ringing ears
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I am 90 and developed Meniere's disease about five years ago. My doctor has prescribed meclizine three times daily, but it doesn't seem to prevent my dizzy spells. What other treatment options are available? Is there a cure? Meniere's disease is a condition characterized by sudden, severe episodes of vertigo, the nauseating sensation that one's surroundings are moving or spinning.
These attacks, which can last several minutes or as long as several hours or even most of is xanax good for ringing ears day, usually also include tinnitus ringing is xanax good for ringing ears the earear fullness or pressure, and hearing loss. The disease generally occurs in only one ear. Although the attacks associated with Meniere's disease can certainly be frightening, disabling and even depressing, the condition itself is not life-threatening.
Most patients do well between episodes, which usually occur only once in a while. Between attacks, patients may have residual hearing loss and tinnitus that worsen with time. The cause xanax ringing ears good for is Meniere's disease is poorly understood and may vary among patients. The symptoms are thought to derive from an increase in inner-ear fluid, called endolymph.
The higher pressure from this excess fluid can produce abnormal signals that tell your brain you're in motion even though you are stationary. The excess fluid can cause fluctuations in hearing as well. In treating Meniere's disease, it is important to first confirm the diagnosis--through history, audiogram and perhaps an MRI study of tramadol brand name in canada head--so your doctor is sure that this is indeed your problem and not something else.
The strategy xanax good treatment is then a ears approach ranging from the most conservative to the most invasive. Most physicians first recommend a diet that excludes caffeinated beverages, alcohol, nicotine and stimulants such as chocolate, which may aggravate symptoms. Phentermine pharmacy for all also recommend a low-sodium diet less than 2, milligrams of sodium per day in order to reduce fluid retention.
And because stress or anxiety may aggravate the condition or play a role in precipitating attacks, modifying or reducing stress in one's life and getting adequate rest also may reduce the frequency and severity of episodes. Typical medications for Meniere's disease include drugs such as meclizine Antivertdiazepam Valium or promethazine Phenerganwhich combat the spinning sensation.
Prochlorperazine Compazine can control nausea and vomiting, and alprazolam Xanax may xanax and drug addiction relieve the anxiety that often accompanies an attack. Antihistamines and relatively short courses of oral corticosteroids, such as prednisone, are also sometimes used to treat patients who are having frequent and severe episodes. Those medications are used for symptomatic relief; they do not necessarily prevent attacks.
Diuretics such as triamterene combined with hydrochlorothiazide Dyazideon the other hand, reduce fluid retention, thereby addressing a potential cause of episodes. This may include a local injection of gentamicin, an antibiotic that is toxic to the inner ear. This reduces the balancing function of the inner ear, forcing the other ear to assume responsibility. Injection of steroids such as dexamethasone can have a similar effect, perhaps by reducing inflammation.
A portable machine called the Meniett device is another option. The device transmits a series of pressure pulses into the for ringing ear and is used two or three times per day for 5 to 10 minutes at a time. This process, which requires that a ventilation tube be present in the eardrum, is said to reduce inner-ear fluid pressure. More extensive surgical procedures ears are a last resort.
Options include endolymphatic sac decompression which reduces the pressure caused by "is xanax good for ringing ears" buildupvestibular nerve sectioning which cuts the nerve that controls balance is xanax good for ringing ears the affected earand labyrinthectomy complete removal of the entire inner-ear sense organ. Fortunately, less extreme treatment ears, together with self-care tactics, can help most Meniere's disease patients manage the disorder.
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