Diazepam and prozac interaction
Home Forum Mark Forums Read. Question about Fluoxetine with Diazepam. I got a change of meds today!
and prozac interaction diazepam
Home Forum Mark Forums Read. Hiya, ive just been prescribed these two meds fluoxetine and diazepam and am quite nervous about taking them!! I really worry about side effects and i was just wondering if anybody had any experience with these meds- preferably positive! Interaction you Em x. Around christmas, I needed the Diazapam quite often. Now I hardly need it, prozac interaction around PMS tramadol and dilaudid high. I didnt have any side effects at all.
Although the Prozac do take a few weeks to kick in and the Diazapam can make you drowsy. I know how you interaction about taking them, it took me 3 months to get the perscription. Im glad I did, and Im well on the way to a more positive outlook on life. Good luck and let me know how you get on. Feel free to PM me, if you want to talk. Emma xx Keep focused, keep positive. Emma and Henri, thank you very much for your replies.
Its made me feel a little better now. I guess "prozac diazepam and" just have prozac interaction give it a whirl and see how it works for me. Good to hear that the meds are working for you both. Take care Em xxx. Prozac has helped me in the past with depression but not with anxiety and is the only anti depressant that didnt give me bad side interaction. Hope that helps, don't worry about taking them or side effects, they won't hurt you, just try and see "prozac interaction" you get on.
Hi Emmie, I've never taken either med myself, but I wanted to let you know that my Mom takes Prozac, and as soon as it kicked in she was in the Doctor's office praising God for whoever invented it!! Just remember that its not instantaneous! I took Diazapam and it was a life saver only thing is it knocked me out which and prozac diazepam good at the time because i was having a really hard time sleeping and relaxing.
Hello, Florence- do is .25 mg of xanax addictive know if prozac is supposed to help with anxiety? That is what i thought i had but now im thinking it was a rather odd choice of medication. Maybe it helps both anxiety and depression-im just a little confused! I] Lisa-thank you for your reply, it has made me feel a bit more positive.
I hope it has the same effect for me as it did your mum!! Sarah-Jane- I am glad thy work for you-its a good diazepam and prozac i got your interaction because i was thinking of taking one interaction to calm me down before i start my night shifts but i dont want to fall asleep on the job so id better give it a miss!
Hi Emmie Yes its supposed to help with anxiety prozac interaction, it works wonders for some people, and we all have different experiences, "diazepam and" effects, reactions, etc I guess you should try it and see how it goes for you, only you how much xanax to help me sleep know how you react to it, hope that makes sense.
Em I have been on both Prozac and Diazepam at the same time with no ill effects. The Prozac helped the depression I had but did not touch the panic attacks. I hope it helps you too. Find all posts phentermine diet pills dangerous nomorepanic. BB code is On. Our website uses cookies. Continue to use the site as normal if you're happy with this, or find out how to manage cookies.
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Got some valium from doc.