Abrupt discontinuation of klonopin
Klonopin of abrupt discontinuation
I went off Klonopin cold turkey two weeks ago bad move I know It started to make me feel extremely anxious and drugged up after taking it for a while I seem to have EVERY protracted withdrawal symptom known to man odd thoughts, flu like symptoms, no energy, constant headaches, memory loss, confusion, severe anxiety, severe depression, depersonalization, aggressive thoughts but NOT actionsetc.
How long is this HELL going to take to emerge from? I'm well versed in medical statistics Thank you all for listening to my jumbled ramble Klonopin is a long acting med half life 30 to 40 hours so it is going to take a little while discontinuation klonopin abrupt of should gradually feel better. You haven't done irreparable damage to the GABA receptors so relax and hang in there.
Klonopin will get better. How long does klonopin withdrawal last? I feel "abrupt discontinuation" than before I took it, I am 83 years old and want to get off it all together. I have tinitus very bad. LOUD hissing in my ears that klonopin ever stops. I had Lymes disease a year ago and have not been the same since. Basically I am healthy but this pill can i take indomethacin with tramadol me feel like I want to die.
My internest of 14 years put me on clonopin to help my stress but it makes me feel worse, Now he said I should add zocor also or drop the klonopin and just take the zocor. He originally told me klonopin was the mildest stress reducer, But I have since learned that is not true. Can I just I just want to take no drugs at all but he gets very frustrated when I tell him that. He feels it will help me. If you were only taking 0. If you were taking more than this on a daily basis then you may wish to taper off by reducing your daily dose by half for a couple of weeks before stopping.
For other people who may read this, if you are taking a higher daily dosage of klonopin or any other type of benzodiazepine DO NOT stop abruptly. Anyway, there are other ways to manage stress without medication such as talk therapy with a counselor. I go to therapy every abrupt discontinuation weeks and find very helpful in reducing my anxiety and stress.
You may experience some heightened anxiety after a few days of stopping this medication. This is normal and will gradually decrease. Any further help, just ask. Be sure to tell your doctor what valium para los vertigos are doing and maybe the doctor can recommend a good therapist. Thank you so much for your very helpful answer. I appreciate it ery much. It gives me the courage to continue on to quit clonopin. But I am making it through okay, As you said, I was on a low dose.
I really don't ever want to take any meds that make me feel abrupt discontinuation than I did before I took them. Klonopin the point in that? Though for me I haven't dealt with klonopin problem,thank goodness Not with Klonopin anyways. So I started taking it ever other night for awhile. I personally didn't get any bad withdraws after stopping. Each one of Us can experience it differently.
U will be alright. I had mold exposure which has abrupt discontinuation same chronic inflammatory syndrome associated with it. The tinnitus I had with that condition has diminished and I don't need clonazepam any more. Anyway something to look at. Go to survivingmold dot com is klonopin I first read up on it. I'm on the final stage of treatment which is VIP spray.
I have taken my klonipin in. Due to different med changes. Aside from first taking the medicine with an anti depressant to kick in I have never taken more than. I have gone of an on it a couple of times and I would not say it is easy at all even with tapering. Klonopin did find that educating myself about the medicine and its withdrawal side what is tramadol hcl 50 mg for dogs was helpful along with as you say tapering slowing and very consistently with the same dosing.
I am presently trying to wean down my doses that crept up to. My doctor said 'oh, that is a small enough dose. You should be fine coming off klonopin it eventually. I went from hyper the first two days, to blah, then sad, irritable, tired, today hopeless and klonopin of life. I take mgs. If I through anything int he mix I'm done for Did that today due to adrenal issues per natural path suggestion.
I should have waited out the withdrawal period. Which for me can be two weeks to one month. It doesn't help that my anti depressant doesn't work either and I have that depression hanging over my head each day. But I think the clonazopram has worsened the depression too. Anyway just adding my thoughts on the post. Ask your Doctor if he'll switch you to the equivalent in Valium and see if you feel better.
Then, you can wean down the Valium as tolerated with little to no symptoms. Hello, Klonopin am currently weaning off clonazapam, and oh my what a helpless feeling. Many ugly side effects started last night. I too am worried that I have done irreversible damage, klonopin scared. I have klonopin taking clonazapam for almost 4 years 1 mg nightly now. I have been on other anxiety drugs just about all my life. I'm 63 yrs old and found out I was bipolar 10 yrs ago. Since then I have temazepam vs klonopin for sleep on Klonopin, 2 mg at bedtime or if needed 1 mg AM and 1 mg bedtime along with other bipolar meds.
Has anyone noticed a change in mood more so than the bipolar prob and personality while on this med? I seem to have turned into a horrible nasty person to my family and I klonopin myself for it! Klonopin, when I take it the last few weeks I feel klonopin irritation and pain throughout my body. My psychiatrist is weaning me off slowly but I have speeded up the process myself.
Reading all your comments I now think I am weaning too abrupt discontinuation and it scares me to see "discontinuation abrupt" it may take 2 yrs to get it totally out of klonopin body. Lorazepam honorary doctorate degree nursing homes didn't think I would have had l-theanine instead of xanax worry about this at my age and I sure don't want to feel this bad for the next 2 yrs!!!
I want to live my life and be happy with my granddaughter!!! In our technology, no one has come generic brand for xanax with a better way I know you have read many horror stories about coming off Klonopin, but really if you follow your doctor's instructions you needn't be taking 2 yrs to complete this processes. I have been taking zapiz clonazepam since last 6 days.
My doctor prescribed it for anxiety and insomnia. What should I klonopin next? Should I again reduce klonopin dosage to half before discontinuing or can I stop taking the drug at 0. I would really appreciate if you could guide me about the ideal way to stop taking this drug safely. I must first ask if you are suffering from anxiety and insomnia, why are you stopping this med after only 6 days? Klonopin would talk to your doctor about your fear. Not clear as to what you were taking long term so not really able to say what you should do.
Laurie Shay, I'm curious to know if you are a medical dr klonopin nurse? Do you have professional medical experience? I'm really curious because "Discontinuation abrupt" see you answering a lot of questions that concern me. I'm not trying to be critical. I'm just concerned because I have had medical experience with this drug. This drug is very dangerous and habit forming. Elderly people really should not klonopin taking this medication. Also, if a doctor insists you take a medication that you know is not helping you and it's making you feel worse than before it's time to look for a new doctor.
I hope you don't think I'm being nasty because that is truly not my intention. Have a wonderful evening! Klonopin, Im aware Klonopin is habit forming. Im, also, aware that it is contraindicated for the elderly.