
Does valium cause urinary retention

Cause urinary retention is an effective medication for treating a variety of medical conditions and is one of the most widely-prescribed drugs of its kind in the United States. Read on to find out more about valium and valium addiction — as well as how rehabilitation centers can help. Valium is not a narcotic. The Food and Drug Administration FDA classifies it as a benzodiazepine, a group of drugs used to treat medical issues such as:. Valium has a sedative, anti-anxiety, muscle-relaxant and anticonvulsant effect upon the body. The effects of valium peak between. It is the longest-acting benzodiazepine. Valium is by prescription only, but Drug Abuse. Because of the way Valium affects the brain, it is easy to build up a tolerance and people often does valium cause urinary retention they need to take does valium drug more frequently or at administration valium intra rectal higher dose simply to function.

Valium is an anti-anxiety drug, one of several popular benzodiazepines. More than three million Americans use this drug medically and many more abuse it illicitly. The drug does valium cause urinary retention also known by its generic name, diazepam. If you are looking for signs that someone is abusing Valium, here are the symptoms you would be looking for:.

Serious side effects of does valium cause urinary retention include low blood pressure, and slowed breathing rate. These are usually not severe at normal doses, but in individuals who are genetically unable to metabolize diazepam normally, this reactions are possible and potentially fatal, according to the Valium drug label as reported by the FDA Jan While it is not specifically listed among other Valium side effects, people who chronically can t sleep on xanax Does valium cause urinary retention or abuse the drug may develop psychological and physical dependence as well as tolerance. Someone who is physically dependent on Valium will have symptoms of withdrawal if the stop the medicine or miss doses. Psychological dependence is the overwhelming desire or craving to use the medication.

This study is created by eHealthMe based on reports of 33, people who have side effects when taking Valium from FDA, and is updated regularly. How to use this study:

Does valium cause urinary retention

Retention does urinary valium cause

By intramuscular injection, or by slow intravenous injection. By intravenous infusion, or by nasoduodenal tube. With rectal use in children.

I was 24 and, during a few pints at my local, the sensation of "does valium cause urinary retention" nail being hammered through the tip of my penis came on very suddenly. A week later I tramadol 50 mg weed with a urologist on Harley Street undergoing a barrage of tests: With everything else coming back normal, aside from a tender prostate, the prognosis was chronic prostatitis. Though prostatitis accounts for a quarter of all urology consultations in Britainit is a complicated and thus poorly understood disease. Because it has a range of common urological symptoms each person can be affected completely differently. The result can be devastating. The most frustrating of my symptoms were the bouts of weak erections — all down to constricted vessels and reduced blood flow. The psychological impact of chronic prostatitis has been does valium cause urinary retention worse than that associated with congestive heart failure or diabetes.